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[STDS-802-11] 2022 July WG11 agenda and opening report documents posted

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Dear 802.11 members,

Please see the draft WG11 2022 July agenda,
and the opening report document, .

The WG11 opening plenary is at 10:30am Eastern on Monday July 11 (Ballroom Centre - L4, and via webex)..
Both the Montreal hotel room locations and webex connection details are in the calendar, . Thanks to Jon and Robert for adjusting their tools to populate both sets of information.

Let me know of any additional agenda requests.

Thank you,

Meeting room information is also available in the IMAT attendance tool (hover the cursor over the cell that you would select to record your attendance), and on the 802world website: .

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