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Re: [STDS-802-11] SA Ballot Pool formation now open for P802.11bb and P802.11bc

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Dear 802.11 members,

The SA ballot pool formation period for P802.11bb and P802.11bc now closes on September 16th, 2022.

We extended to pool formation due to a tool-update issue (now resolved) preventing non-IEEE-SA members from
becoming SA members, and thus participating in the ballots.

Thank you,


On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 10:29 AM Dorothy Stanley <dstanley1389@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear 802.11 members,

Formation of the SA Ballot pools is now open in myProject for the
P802.11bb and P802.11bc projects.

If you wish to be in the SA Ballot pools to vote on the SA Ballots of these projects, please
sign up in the myProject system.

As a reminder, these voter pools are independent of WG11 voting/voter status.

Let me know of any questions.



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