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Re: [STDS-802-11] CCK should it be Deprecated?

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector --- My guess is that if there are 11b-only devices still hanging around after all these years, the manufacturer is not going to want to upgrade them, even if OFDM provides similar performance.
Also, if there is a customer who still uses an 11b-only WiFi deployment to this day after all these years, they likely have a good reason for not upgrading to OFDM, and will not want to change anything.

Further, the amount of real estate and power consumed by a working CCK implementation is so minimal compared to the rest of the modem, why would modern chipsets bother ripping it out, given they would have to subject the chip to a series of tests to verify they didn’t accidentally break something.


On Jan 18, 2023, at 6:49 PM, G Smith <gsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Dear 802.11 members,
In 802.11me we are discussing Clause 16 and CCK.  There is a proposal to make CCK “deprecated”.  This is the first step to making it “Obsolete”.
Please look at the following presentation and I would be very interested to hear any viewpoints or comments.
The presentation makes the case that there is no basic need for CCK as the OFDM 6 and 12Mbps are more than suitable to be used rather than CCK 5.5 and 11 Mbps, and that there is no need for the extra modem that is required.
Anyhow, please do read the presentation and please do comment either to the reflector or directly to me.

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