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RE: stds-802-16-mobile: Call for Comments on Proposed IEEE802.16e PAR and Five Criteria

I support Brian's comments. I would add that we should concentrate on 
the immediate problem: the PAR and Five Criteria. The issue Brian 
mentioned ("the nature and extent of the changes to the 802.16a air 
interface that would be required to support mobility") is inherently 
relevant to the PAR and Five Criteria. Any further development of 
this element of the submission should be incorporated in these 
documents because it would strengthen them.


At 10:56 AM -0500 02/11/05, Kiernan, Brian G. wrote:
>It has been pointed out to me that the original Call for Contributions is
>NOT open, as it specifically referenced Session #21.  I apologize to all for
>this error on my part.
>That does not mean contributions on the subject cannot be submitted.  They
>would, however, be subject to acceptance on the SG agenda.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kiernan, Brian G.
>Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 10:03 AM
>Subject: RE: stds-802-16-mobile: Call for Comments on Proposed IEEE 802.16e
>PAR and Five Criteria
>I would also like to remind everyone that the original Call for
>Contributions is still open.  While I expect much of our work next week will
>revolve around the PAR and Five Criteria, we should not forget that we need
>to look deeper into the nature and extent of the changes to the 802.16a air
>interface that would be required to support mobility.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Roger B. Marks []
>Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 6:14 PM
>Subject: stds-802-16-mobile: Call for Comments on Proposed IEEE 802.16e PAR
>and Five Criteria
>802.16 Mobile Wireless MAN Study Group Chair Brian Kiernan
><> has issued a Call for
>Comments on the Proposed IEEE 802.16e PAR and Five Criteria:
>         <>.
>I expect this to be the primary focus of the 802.16 meeting next
>week. If you are interested in the topic, I hope that you will read
>and respond to the Call for Comments. Please note that it seeks
>comments in Commentary format. This means that you are asked to
>supply specific comments and propose specific remedies. The goal is
>to refine and improve the PAR and Five Criteria documents.
>Note that you need not supply line numbers with your comments, but
>you should supply the page and section number. Also, be sure to note
>whether you are referring to the PAR or to the Five Criteria
>For more on the 802.16 Mobile Wireless MAN Study Group, see:
>         <>.