stds-802-16-mobile: Handoff and Sleep mode Ad hoc
Hello All,
Following the publishing of the new Tge working document, I
would like to start the ad-hoc activity.
This time, in order to have an option to be productive, I
would like to try a slight different process.
I would like to receive a response from anyone who is willing
to perform an active participation before the next meeting,
i.e. all the open points will be identified and I hope that
people will be ready to receive an action points for specific
We have already some open action points which will be
assigned, and in addition I would like to have more
volunteers to ensure that most of the open points are covered.
The target is to be able to have a draft which will be
available for review before the 802.16 meeting #27, such that
it can be a good basis for the on-line discussion.
Please send a response if you are interested to participate.