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[STDS-802-16-MOBILE] [Handoff] Minutes from conference call on 6/2/04

Title: [STDS-802-16-MOBILE] [Handoff] Minutes from conference call on 6/2/04

Thanks to everyone who participated on this call.
Next conference call - Monday, June 9th, 9 PM U.S. Pacific time, bridge logistics to follow.
* Terminology changes to support different handover scenarios: We concluded by agreeing on the following (baseline proposed by Phil):

- We will continue to use the RevD definition for a single-sector BS (single/common CID space and 1 frequency assignment) and HO primitives based on Serving BS and Target BS entities. All other HO scenarios will be built on these basic definitions. For example,

An inter-sector HO will essentially be modeled as a HO between a serving and a target BS where both BS share MAC resources such as a common CID space and essentially advertise a different sector ID (to be defined TLV)

Other HO scenarios such as: Intra-subnet/prefix HO, Inter-subnet/prefix HO, Inter-sector same frequency HO, Inter-sector different frequency HO, Inter-BS inter operator domain HO will be modeled along similar lines

- We will no longer use the term BTS. Folks on the bridge agreed that the current definition of BS will suffice.
- A side effect of the above conclusion is that intra-BS HO no longer make sense
* Group discussed definition and support for Soft HO. Conclusion was that we should not preclude support for Soft HO in .16e. After some debate we concluded that macro-diversity (2 base stations transmit simultaneously to an MSS during a HO procedure) enables Soft HO, which in turn may or may not be supported by all PHYs. In cases where a PHY can support macro-diversity for Soft HO, additional MAC layer messaging might be needed. Soft HO will be an optional feature in .16e. We started to get into figuring out the impact of Soft HO support in .16e then decided that this is best done offline. A small team volunteered to work on this and come back to the adhoc with a summary in one week - see action item below.

Group also determined that Soft HO is conceptually different from Make-before-Break (MBB) HO and that text should be contributed to the draft to make this clear.

Suggestion - Use Handoff mailing list to continue Soft HO discussions so others may observe/contribute as well.
* Next, we reviewed the scope outline document (C802.16e-04_105_0601.doc) and the table therein. We ended up not deleting any rows or columns nor did we eliminate any 'X's. We added a few more rows, columns and 'X' entried to address:

- HO between a BS that supports AAS and a BS that does not
- Inter subnet/prefix and inter operator HO
- Inter sector multiple frequency HO
- Idle mode HO
- Basic and advanced scenarios supporting AAS and FFT size change
Prakash will update the document based on this feedback and post to the Handoff upload directory (see action item below). The next big action item for all adhoc active participants is to review the updated document and list of deferred comments and contributions from the Shenzhen meeting and come up with proposals for scope and contributions they would like to submit before the next conference call on Monday, June 7th (see below).

* We will have a 2-day face-to-face drafting session on June 20th and 21st. Location will likely be Hawaii - logistics being worked on and will be published soon. Based on discussions we decided to limit it to editorial activity and resolve all technical issues via telecons and email activity prior to the interim F2F.

With that in mind, we decided to have 2 telecons next week (see action items below). All active contributors (to be identified by Monday) will own getting text (even abstracts out) for the group to review and agree to over the next week and an half. Only topics on which we would have reached consensus will be considered for the drafting session.

NOTE - Please indicate ASAP to me ( if you would be able to participate in the drafting session. Need this information to arrange hotel logistics.

* Request to operators who are participating in the adhoc - the group can benefit from an understanding of requirements for HO support in .16e. Please submit any text to this effect to this group (suggest uploading to the Handoff temporary space and sending out an email notification)

Opens that were not discussed during the call today: - deferred to Monday telecon
* Mobility Agent - Specify details or take it out of the .16e draft?
* BS - BS context and HO primitives - scope and contributions
* Performance analysis of HO primitives
Action Items:
* Itzik, Mo-Han (supported by Yong Chang, Phil Barber, Yigal Eliaspur) - work on scoping Soft HO support in .16e spec - share results with group - by 6/10/04

* Phil - Propose new TLV flags to support notion of context ID - to convey sectors, frequency assignment and subnet/prefix/access router ID - by 6/8/04

* Prakash - Update C802.16e-04_105_0601.doc based on discussions today and post to Handoff temporary files area - by 6/3/04

* Prakash - Publish telecon bridge logistics for Monday, June 7th, 9 PM - 11 PM U.S. Pacific time and Thursday, June 10th, 6 AM - 8 AM U.S. Pacific time - by 6/3/04

* Prakash - Publish summary of comments and contributions deferred/rejected at the Shenzhen meeting to be revisited by the HO adhoc group - by 6/3/04