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stds-802-16: completion of Working Group Letter Ballot #3

Confirmation Ballot #3b concluded last night. The outcome is reported 
in two documents:

*IEEE P802.16 Confirmation Ballot #3b Comment Resolution Report
IEEE 802.16-01/42 <>

*IEEE P802.16 Confirmation Ballot #3b Voting Report
IEEE 802.16-01/43 <>

In brief, the comment report includes only two comments. One was 
rejected for being out of scope. The other was ruled a duplicate of 
an earlier comment, with no new technical content to justify a 
further recirculation.

The Voting Report indicates that we received one change of vote, from 
Approve to Disapprove. It also reports the outcome: "The Working 
Group Chair declares that Confirmation Ballot #3b concluded 
successfully and that no recirculation is required. As as result, the 
Chair declares that Working Group Letter Ballot #3 has concluded 
successfully as of 3 August 2001."

Although Letter Ballot #3 is now complete, we are not authorized to 
continue to Sponsor Ballot. In July, the 802 SEC granted us 
"Conditional Approval" to forward the draft to Sponsor Ballot upon 
completion of Confirmation Ballot #3b. However, we have failed to 
fulfill one of the stipulated conditions: namely, no new Disapprove 

Therefore, with Letter Ballot #3 complete but lacking authorization 
to forward it for Sponsor Ballot, I need to go back to the SEC for 
such authorization. I am therefore preparing to make a new motion 
before the SEC that would forward P802.16/D4-2001 for Sponsor Ballot. 
I expect SEC to consider this motion expeditiously in an email vote.

Thank you all for your cooperation and hard work in bringing this 
ballot to a successful conclusion!

