stds-802-16: Published: Letter from ETSI BRAN on "one interoperable worldwidestandard"
I was delighted to receive this letter from ETSI BRAN Chair Jamshid
Khun-Jush today:
Document Number: IEEE 802.16l-01/20
URL: <>
Source: Jamshid Khun-Jush
The letter informs IEEE 802.16 that, following consideration of
several base-line proposals (based on IEEE 802.16, BWIF, and
DVB-RCT), its HIPERMAN group has decided to choose, as its MAC
baseline, the MAC-related clauses from IEEE P802.16/D5-2001 and IEEE
P802.16ab-01/01r2. The same group made a "working assumption" that
its baseline PHY would be the OFDM PHY from IEEE P802.16ab-01/01r2.
ETSI BRAN noted that "These conclusions were motivated by the goal to
provide one interoperable worldwide standard for the 2-11 GHz
licensed bands."
We will need to discuss a response next week. I have scheduled time
at the Opening Plenary. We particularly need to find a response to
this suggestion: "HIPERMAN feels that it would be necessary to
exchange any modifications to our respective documents, so that the
other party can evaluate them." I will be working with Jamshid on a
detailed proposal.
P.S. See the letter for more details and other interesting points
[including "In response to your Liaison Letter 802.16l-01/19, we
inform you that we opened a
New Work Item entitled: Licence-exempt HIPERMAN on Band C
(5.725-5.875GHz) feasibility and sharing study."].