stds-802-16: Introducing... IEEE Standard 802.16
Great news today: IEEE Standard 802.16 is now an approved IEEE
Standard, following this morning's approval by the IEEE-SA Standards
Board! Congratulations!
Our Publicity Chair, Dean Chang, has been working with the IEEE PR
people to finalize a press release. I expect this release to hit the
wires today. The final draft is here:
I'd like to raise a cyber-toast to the entire Working Group, past and
present. I'd like to particularly acknowledge the editorial team
members who built the document, dug up the problems, and hammered
away at each one until we had the bugs out. I want to mention in
particular the contributions of Carl Eklund, George Fishel, Jeff
Foerster, Phil Guillemette, Wayne Hunter, Jay Klein, Sergio Licardie,
John Liebetreu, Lars Lindh, Ron Meyer, Jim Mollenauer, Brian Petry,
Vicente Quilez, Glen Sater, Karl Stambaugh, Ken Stanwood, Stanley
Wang, Vladimir Yanover, Jung Yee, and Juan Carlos Zuniga.
I'd also like to thank the many nonmembers, some of whom never
attended a meeting but nevertheless made great contributions through
the comment process. Included in this category are Luis Contreras,
Francisco Escrihuela, Babis Kalatzis, Antonis Karvelas, Gregorio
Nunez, and Manuel Poza.
The standard has been undergoing professional editing and should be
published by January. In the meantime, you can refer people to the
IEEE catalog for the approved draft: