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[STDS-802-16] Session #30 Report posted

I have posted the Session #30 Report:

I tend to be understated in the those reports, sticking to the facts.
In this case, I offered a tiny bit of analysis: "In spite of the
growth, broad consensus emerged on major issues." Those of you who
attended are well aware that the meeting was more dramatic. We made
huge strides in consensus-building. We are wrapping up the
P802.16-REVd revision and intend to expect to submit it for approval
before Session #31. We also rallied around a solidifying P802.16e
draft. Session #30 was the most intense, and most productive, session
I can recall. I appreciate all the hard work and constructive spirits
that went into it. We emerge not only with much stronger drafts but
also with a team that better understands the process and is better
equipped to take us to the next level. You should all be proud of the
Working Group's achievements. I am!

