[STDS-802-16] 802.16 PARs for 802 EC consideration in July [more info]
[Below, I've added links to "Five Criteria" statements. I should also mention that the P802.16f and P802.16g PARs both came from 802.16 Network Management Study Group.]
Dear 802 EC:
I am writing to notify you of three 802.16 PARs that arose out of the Working Group's May interim session:
* P802.16e: <http://ieee802.org/16/docs/04/80216-04_33.pdf>
This is a proposed modification of the existing 802.16e PAR.
* P802.16f: <http://ieee802.org/16/docs/04/80216-04_34.pdf>
Five Criteria: <http://ieee802.org/16/mgt/docs/80216mgt-04_02.pdf>
This is a proposed amendment to add a MIB to IEEE 802.16-2004.
* P802.16g: <http://ieee802.org/16/docs/04/80216-04_35.pdf>
Five Criteria: <http://ieee802.org/16/mgt/docs/80216mgt-04_04.pdf>
This is a proposed amendment to add Management Plane Procedures and
Services to IEEE 802.16-2004, as amended by 802.16e.
We are open to comments and ask that they be delivered to us, per the P&P, by 5 pm on Tuesday of the Plenary Week (13 July).
Dr. Roger B. Marks <mailto:marks@nist.gov> +1 303 497 3037
National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO, USA
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access