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Re: [STDS-802-16] voting on leftover P802.16-REVe/D5 Sponsor Ballot comment resolutions


1. We will assume that the comment is referring to the most recent
revision submitted prior to the close of Session #34.

2. All of the TGe contributions (except those rejected for procedural
reasons) have been indexed and filed here:
The TGe upload server is now empty.

3. There is no procedure to indicate your views regarding a comment,
other than to indicate Accepted or Rejected. If a comment is
approved, the Editor will implement it in any way that is consistent
with the comment and remedy. If the remedy offers options, then the
Editor has options. If you think this gives the Editor too much
leeway, then the comment is probably one that you should consider
marking Rejected. Any remaining concerns can be addressed in


At 09:30 +0200 2004-11-23, Vladimir Yanover wrote:
>Can you please clarify the following:
>1. Many comments refer to contributions. Which version of contributions
>should be addressed?
>2. Where relevant contributions are [will be] stored?
>3. Some comments / contributions suggest two possible resolutions e.g. "do X
>or delete section Y"
>Suppose that I prefer X. How should I mark such comment?
>Dr. Vladimir Yanover
>Standards Strategy Director
>Alvarion Ltd.
>21 A   Habarzel St. Ramat - Hahayal
>Tel - Aviv 69710 P.O. Box 13139, Tel-Aviv 61131, Israel
>Tel.:      +972-36457834
>Fax:       +972-36456290
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: Roger B. Marks []
>>  Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 1:26 AM
>>  Subject: voting on leftover P802.16-REVe/D5 Sponsor Ballot
>>  comment resolutions
>>  Last week, the 802.16 WG Closing Plenary passed a motion (by vote of
>>  91-0-0) "to accept IEEE 802.16-04/69r2, plus the results of an
>>  electronic poll of the ballot resolution committee, as a partial
>>  resolution of Sponsor Ballot comments, develop Draft P802.16e/D5a
>>  based on those resolutions, and initiate ballot resolution committee
>>  recirculation on D5a."
>>  The full comment database IEEE 802.16-04/69r2 is posted at:
>>      <>
>>  This note provides the instructions for participating in the poll on
>>  the resolution of the remaining 427 comments that were not resolved
>>  during the session. These comments, which are the only comments
>>  subject to this poll, have been extracted into a separate database
>>  IEEE 802.16-04/75:
>>      <>
>>  The process works this way:
>>  (1) Only Working Group members <>
>>  are eligible.
>>  (2) Open the Commentary database
>>  <>. Type your name in
>>  the "Recommendation by" field.
>>  (3) With the cursor in the "Recommendation by" field, choose
>>  "Replace" (under the menu item "Records") to put your name in the
>>  "Recommendation by" of EVERY marked comment. Check to make sure it
>>  worked.
>>  (4) For each comment, use the "Recommendation" field to cast your
>>  vote. The choices will be interpreted this way:
>>        "Accepted"      => Vote to approve the comment as it stands
>>        "Rejected"      => Vote to disapprove the comment as it stands
>>         Anything else  => Vote to abstain on the issue of that comment
>>      ***For example: "Accepted-modified" will be counted as
>>  "abstain"***
>>  All other fields will be ignored.
>>  (5) When you have finished, make sure you are showing all 427
>>  comments (see the count in the grey area on the left) and no more.
>>  Then, under the menu item "Scripts," choose "Export Clause Editor's
>>  Proposals."
>>  (6) Select the file type "FilerMaker Pro Runtime". Name the file in
>>  the format "16ePoll_Name.USR", where "Name" is a your name, in a
>  > recognizable format. Save the file.
>>  (7) Upload the file before the deadline (see (8)) to
>>  (8) The deadline is 3 December AOE:
>>  (9) A report showing the individual responses of the individual
>>  members will be posted to the IEEE 802.16 password-protected web site.
>>  (10) Comments with approval ratio of at least 75% (computed from
>>  Approve and Disapprove votes collected on each comment) will be
>>  marked "Accepted" and sent to the editor for incorporation. Other
>>  comments will be marked "Rejected." Comment resolutions, both from
>>  the meeting and from the poll, are subject to recirculation
>>  requirements.
>>  Please let me know if you have any problems with or questions about
>>  the process.
>>  Regards,
>>  Roger
>>  --
>>  Dr. Roger B. Marks  <> +1 303 497 7837
>>  National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO, USA
>>  Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access
>  >         <>