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[STDS-802-16] completion of initial P802.16-REVe/D5 Sponsor Ballot comment resolutions

The poll of the Ballot Resolution Committee (composed of the WG
Members) regarding the P802.16e/D5 Sponsor Ballot comments that were
not addressed in Session #34 is now complete. 127 members
participated. The results are included in an updated database IEEE

Of the 427 comments:
    121 were accepted (75% minimum)
    303 were rejected
      3 were included in the database by accident:
        * 2 (1027 and 1028) had already been accepted at Session #34
        * 1 (973) had been previously withdrawn

The complete report (a 3.1 MB file including all 36,838 individual
poll preference indications) is available in a report on the private
web site:

As decided at Session #34, the comment resolutions in the database
will be under review in a Ballot Resolution Committee recirculation.
To assist in that review, the Editor, Ron Murias, is preparing a new
draft. He expects it to be available close to the scheduled date of
10 December.


>Last week, the 802.16 WG Closing Plenary passed a motion (by vote of
>91-0-0) "to accept IEEE 802.16-04/69r2, plus the results of an
>electronic poll of the ballot resolution committee, as a partial
>resolution of Sponsor Ballot comments, develop Draft P802.16e/D5a
>based on those resolutions, and initiate ballot resolution committee
>recirculation on D5a."
>The full comment database IEEE 802.16-04/69r2 is posted at:
>       <>
>This note provides the instructions for participating in the poll on
>the resolution of the remaining 427 comments that were not resolved
>during the session. These comments, which are the only comments
>subject to this poll, have been extracted into a separate database
>IEEE 802.16-04/75:
>       <>
>The process works this way:
>(1) Only Working Group members <>
>are eligible.
>(2) Open the Commentary database
><>. Type your name in
>the "Recommendation by" field.
>(3) With the cursor in the "Recommendation by" field, choose
>"Replace" (under the menu item "Records") to put your name in the
>"Recommendation by" of EVERY marked comment. Check to make sure it
>(4) For each comment, use the "Recommendation" field to cast your
>vote. The choices will be interpreted this way:
>      "Accepted"      => Vote to approve the comment as it stands
>      "Rejected"      => Vote to disapprove the comment as it stands
>       Anything else  => Vote to abstain on the issue of that comment
>    ***For example: "Accepted-modified" will be counted as "abstain"***
>All other fields will be ignored.
>(5) When you have finished, make sure you are showing all 427
>comments (see the count in the grey area on the left) and no more.
>Then, under the menu item "Scripts," choose "Export Clause Editor's
>(6) Select the file type "FilerMaker Pro Runtime". Name the file in
>the format "16ePoll_Name.USR", where "Name" is a your name, in a
>recognizable format. Save the file.
>(7) Upload the file before the deadline (see (8)) to
>(8) The deadline is 3 December AOE:
>(9) A report showing the individual responses of the individual
>members will be posted to the IEEE 802.16 password-protected web
>(10) Comments with approval ratio of at least 75% (computed from
>Approve and Disapprove votes collected on each comment) will be
>marked "Accepted" and sent to the editor for incorporation. Other
>comments will be marked "Rejected." Comment resolutions, both from
>the meeting and from the poll, are subject to recirculation
>Please let me know if you have any problems with or questions about
>the process.


Dr. Roger B. Marks  <> +1 303 497 7837
National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO, USA
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access