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Re: [STDS-802-16] changes to 802.16 server


Yes, in (d) you can append "r0" instead of "r1" to the first actual version (following the reservation). Seems like a better idea.


At 10:22 +0100 2005-04-27, <> wrote:
>The changes sound good. In (d), could we call the first file version to be uploaded r0? This means that the first revision after the initial version would then be r1, like it is now.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-stds-802-16@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG
>[mailto:owner-stds-802-16@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG]On Behalf Of Roger B. Marks
>Sent: 27 April 2005 06:50
>Subject: [STDS-802-16] changes to 802.16 server
>I've made some changes on the upload server <>. Some of these changes have been installed since last week, and others are new as of today:
>(a) I've split the "Description" field into three fields: Title, Authors, and "Contributor affiliations or other notes". This will make it easier (and therefore faster) for me to convert the upload directories into indexed web site directories. The first two fields are mandatory. The "notes" field will be recorded on the upload directory but not carried over to the web site.
>(b) I instituted a bunch of file name compliance tests. This should help to police the numbering rules and reduce naming errors and filename duplication. Three-digit serial numbers are now required, so revisions of old 2004 contributions with two-digit serial numbers will be refused. At this point, I think it's time to update these to a 2005 serial number.
>(c) The process for reserving a serial number has been simplified. A dummy file is no longer required. Instead of using the "Browse..." button to select a file, simply type the appropriate reservation number into the box next to that button. The reservation number is the serial number you wish to reserve, with "rsv" in place of the file extension (e.g, "C80216e-05_ijk.rsv").
>(d) Proposed file names are now refused if they overlap an existing file name, excluding the extension. This means that you cannot upload somefilename.doc if somefilename.pdf, or somefilename.rsv, have already been submitted. When you go to make use of your reserved file name, you will need to call it revision "r1". [Kind of a nuisance for you, but it will keep someone else from accidentally stealing your reserved number. Maybe someday I'll rewrite this part of the script.]
>On a related topic, I have shut down the server in my house and replaced it with an account on a hosted server. I registered a new URL for this purpose: <>. The URLs all are pointed correctly. In the past, these were all blocked by China's Great Firewall, so no one in China could access the server. I was hoping that moving the server to a static IP address would un-block these URLs, but this doesn't seem to have happened. If you run into this problem, just the URL <>, from which you will find working links to the other services.
>The site <> is the new location for all our CGI processing (upload server, WG ballots, and session registration). Since it's continuously up; we won't lose it during sessions.
>For the sessions, I'll be bringing a new server. Actually, it's my old Macintosh laptop, but it works great for this purpose. I'll copy the upload server onto the laptop and turn off all further uploads to the web site for the duration of the meeting. I'll also be running the attendance logs on the laptop.
>Please let me know of any ideas you have or of problems you run across.