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[STDS-802-16] IETF EAP WG review of 802.16e


1. A draft version of the IETF EAP WG review of 802.16e security is 
available at 

 Additional material is at:

2.  Special thanks to EAP WG chair Bernard Aboba, the EAP WG,  and to 
Prof. John C. Mitchell and his students for completing the initial 
review so quickly.

3.  We can say that 802.16e security was found to be essentially sound - 
while at the same time significant issues were discovered involving 
proper security/cryptographic practices, as well as a few instances of 
potential vulnerabities such as denial-of-service and man-in-the-middle.

4.  To expediently resolve the issues (and to correct any errors in the 
review), a mailing list is being set up to enable discussions between 
members of the two groups.   If you would like to be on this mailing 
list, please let me know (if you haven't already).

Best Regards,

- Jeff Mandin
802.16 liaison to IETF