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[STDS-802-16] Session #37 photos

Dear IEEE 802.16 Participants:

Anyone who attended Session #37 will confirm that the venue was 
extremely photogenic. Many photos were taken. I took quite a few 

I've set up a gallery of my photos, and a few others that were 
provided to me. This area will be useful for posting photos of future 
and past sessions as well. It could also be used to collect photos of 
the WG participants to help us get to know each other more quickly.

The site is at:

You are welcome to post your own photos there, and I encourage you to 
do so. However, please don't send photos to me for posting.

If you do want to add photos to the group, follow the instructions on 
the site. Please tag your photos appropriately to make it easy for 
others to use the gallery.

In browsing the photos, you are free add comments about them or add 
notes to specific areas of any photo.




Dr. Roger B. Marks  <> +1 303 497 7837
National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO, USA
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access