[STDS-802-16] corrected IEEE 802.16 Letter Ballot #20 results
My previous Letter Ballot #20 was incomplete. The last update missed
the latest voters. My apologies.
I have updated the report. The approval ratio is 55%.
>Working Group Letter Ballot #20 closed on March. The results are here:
> http://ieee802.org/16/netman/ballot20/report20.html
>The approval ratio is 69%, below the minimum of 75% required for
>approval. However, if comment resolution is successful, the ballot
>can still pass.
>The database has been very difficult to compile. People have become
>very casual about following the correct format, remembering to enter
>their name, getting their names in the right order, etc. Also, a
>huge number of duplicate comments were submitted. Of 749 comments,
>only 257 are unique; the rest are exact duplicates. It was a lot of
>work for me to separate these. However, I've done so because it
>would be a lot harder for everyone else to have to review 749
>comments and figure out which ones they'd already done.
>Here is the comment report:
> <http://ieee802.org/16/docs/06/80216-06_014.zip>
>The unique comments are numbered 1-257 and are marked in the
>check-box. Those are the only ones you will see when you open the
>file. The duplicates comments are separate records, all currently
>hidden and all with the comment number "D". We may give them unique
>numbers later. This is a different method than I've used in the past
>for duplicates; I think it will make it easier to track which
>resolutions have been accepted by which people. You should just
>ignore the duplicates.
>I'll check with Phil to see what he wants to do about Reply Comments.
>>To: IEEE 802.16 Reflector
>>bcc: IEEE 802.16 Working Group Members <http://ieee802.org/16/members.html>
>>IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #20 is now open, through 1
>>March 2006 AOE. The ballot is on the following question:
>>*"To forward to the IEEE 802 LMSC Executive Committee, for IEEE-SA
>>Sponsor Ballot, IEEE P802.16g-06/D1."
>>The announcement document:
>> Title: "IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #20: Announcement"
>> Document Number: IEEE 802.16-06/007r1
>> URL: <http://ieee802.org/16/docs/06/80216-06_007r1.pdf>
>>details the procedures. It also tells you how to participate and
>>explains the Members' obligation to do so. "Membership shall be
>>lost if two consecutive, or two of any three consecutive, Working
>>Group letter ballots for which the member was eligible are not
>>returned or are returned with an abstention other than for 'lack of
>>technical expertise'." You can check your recent balloting history:
>> <http://ieee802.org/16/tgc/C4/ballot18/report18ini.html>
>> <http://ieee802.org/16/netman/ballot19/report19.html>.
>>Don't forget the deadline of 1 March 2006.
>>The ballot submission form is available at:
>> http://dot16.org/ballot20/ballotform20.html
>>Results will be posted, as they are received, at:
>> http://ieee802.org/16/netman/ballot20/report20.html