[STDS-802-16] Fwd: Approval of Project-P802.16j
>31 March 2006
>Paul Nikolich
>Re: P802.16j - Amendment to IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan
>Area Networks - Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile
>Broadband Wireless Access Systems - Multihop Relay Specification
>Dear Paul:
>I am pleased to inform you that on 30 March 2006 the IEEE-SA
>Standards Board approved the above referenced project until 31
>December 2010. A copy of the file can be found on our website at
>Jodi Haasz
>Program Manager
>International Stds Programs and Governance
>Standards Activities
>Phone +1 732 562 6367
>FAX +1 732 875 0695
>Email: j.haasz@ieee.org
>CC: r.b.marks@ieee.org, r.snyder@ieee.org