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Re: [STDS-802-16] P802.16/Cor2 ballot planning

Roger, Jon

Thanks for suggesting detailed near term steps. 
What will happen with Cor2 project after Jan meeting is critically
important to the industry which depends on the standards including
Cor2.  We IEEE should find out the best solution to support
standardization base for the industry and its products in a timely

Now, I have some more urgent clarification needed here. 
Based on Jon's and your comments, may I safely assume that what will
happen next week in Maint TG is mainly for taking care of those 34 CRs
(in 066r4) which the Editor (Joe) had a difficulty to incorporate into
We can discuss some newly submitted CRs by the deadline of 15th, but
with such a short submission period of 5 days, can there be any formal
resolutions to those new CRs submitted this week as response to a
valid WG Call for Comments ? 

Also, I am not quite sure what Jon was trying to say 
> (2) The prior CRs themselves; perhaps, on reflection, those prior
> decisions were less than optimum.
Does this mean that those CRs successfully incorporated into D1 are
also subject to change based on some discussion next week?



-----Original Message-----
From: Roger B. Marks [mailto:r.b.marks@IEEE.ORG] 
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 10:33 AM
Subject: [STDS-802-16] P802.16/Cor2 ballot planning

I'd like to make some comments regarding planning for Cor2 balloting.

As you know, there is a proposal to not pursue Cor2 into Sponsor  
Ballot. However, I don't see a need to act on that until March. For  
the moment, I think it's clear that we need to continue with the WG  
ballot. This is going to require some planning at Session #47. Let me

sketch out the possibilities.

The first steps [for which I see no alternative if we want to  
progress] are to resolve any comments, authorize the development of  
D2 based on those resolutions, and authorize a 15-day recirc. But we  
also need to plan, in London, what will happen next.

If we decide we want to proceed directly to Sponsor Ballot, then the  
15-day recirc would need to finish cleanly, with no comments that  
demanded resolution and recirculation. It's my informed opinion that  
this will not happen. However, let's assume it did. Then we could  
submit that draft for 30-day Sponsor Ballot. However, if it would be  
quite unlikely to conclude Sponsor Ballot before Session #48. [There  
are seven weeks between sessions. We need to allow 45 days of  
balloting. And it takes IEEE several days to initiate the Sponsor  
Ballot once we've sent them the draft. And, of course, we need to  
allow time for editing the draft. We rarely get this done in less  
than a week, and we know that it sometimes takes much longer.] In  
this case, we'd probably end up unable to do any useful technical  
work on Cor2 at Session #48. At Session #48, we could try to figure  
out what to do next.

On the other hand, what if we do get comments in the recirc? It seems

to me that it would be a good idea to set up a plan to resolve those  
comments, instead of waiting until Session #48. With some planning,  
it ought to be possible to resolve the comments, create a D3, and run

a second 15-day recirc before Session #48. If all went well, we would

have no comments in that second recirc, and we could call the WG  
letter ballot over at Session #48. If we had comments, we could  
resolve them at that meeting. In either case, we could decide at  
Session #48 how we wanted to proceed.

So, my suggestion is that the Maintenance Task Group come up with a  
plan to resolve, in mid-February, any comments arising from the  
recirc. We have tried various methods of between-session comment  
resolution, with varying degrees of success. A lot of factors go into

the decision, and it becomes a judgement call, with good judgement  
required. I suggest that the Maintenance TG reserve judgement until  
its see what next week's comments, and comment resolutions, look like.

Any plans need to be approve by the WG at the Closing Plenary.


On Jan 11, 2007, at 02:46 PM, Jonathan Labs wrote:

> All,
> There have been a number of questions regarding this call for
> on the P802.16/Cor2/D1 draft that has just been released.  This
> intends to clarify the views of both Roger and myself on the Cor2  
> draft
> and give the reasoning behind this call.
> In our view, we are not ready to start thinking in terms of Sponsor
> Ballot. First of all, according to the proposal of Marks, Kiernan,
> Labs (see,
> there may be no Sponsor Ballot. Secondly, we think it is far from  
> clear
> that the document is ready for Sponsor Ballot anyway. If there is  
> to be
> a Sponsor Ballot, it would have to run after the March meeting,  
> where we
> could get EC approval.
> So then the question arises as to whether it's best to submit
> for discussion next week, or wait for the recirc. In our view, now
> better, because comments can then be reviewed in a meeting instead  
> of in
> some electronic procedure. Clearly, there is no time for a full
> of the draft, but there is no harm in getting started with comments

> that
> people are aware of.
> We would recommend that priority be placed on reviewing:
> (1) The implementation of the prior change requests. This was
> not clear-cut; Joe could have made some errors, or misinterpreted
> ambiguous instructions. Also, Joe has mentioned that he found cases
> conflict between CRs.
> (2) The prior CRs themselves; perhaps, on reflection, those prior
> decisions were less than optimum.
> In our view, these are the most time-critical issues.
> We would suggest that you place a relatively lower priority on new
> issues, though we would not propose to rule them out of scope.
> Roger and Jon
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Roger B. Marks []
>> Sent: January 10, 2007 5:19 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [STDS-802-16] P802.16/Cor2/D1 Draft; Call for Comments
>> The first Cor2 draft (P802.16/Cor2/D1) is now available using the
>> member password:
>> Thanks to Editor Joe Schumacher, who put a lot of time into this
>> draft. It weighs in at 484 pages.
>> This document comes too late for a formal WG letter ballot recirc,
>> which would require a minimum of 15 days. However, since we have
>> significant time scheduled for the Maintenance Task Group to meet
>> during Session #47, we are providing the opportunity to review the
>> draft and submit comments for consideration next week.
>> Here are the comment rules:
>> *Only Commentary 2 format <> is
>> *In Commentary, identify the ballot as "LB23" and the Document
>> Review as "P802.16/Cor2/D1".
>> *Export your comments as a ".cmtb" file.
>> *Observe the deadline of Monday 15 January 2007 at 11 pm London
>> 	<>.
>> *Upload comments to the <>.
>> [Note: We will transition to the on-site upload server over the
>> weekend, but I'll try to remember to keep the above URL active for
>> those who are not on-site.]
>> Roger