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Re: [STDS-802-16] [Relay TG] Call for Reply Comments on the resolutions for WG announcement: closing date approaching

Dear 16WG members,

Please don't forget to provide your reply comments on the Resolutions,
P802.16j/D1, with closing date approaching: 5 November, 2007, AOE.

Your further support would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


Mitsuo Nohara
Relay TG Chair, IEEE 802.16WG
KDDI R&D Labs. /

Message from Mike explaining how to upload comments
for your information

Dear all,

I received a couple of questions about where to upload comments.  

Please upload them to the Relay TG upload facility at: and follow the usual procedures for
generating a reply comment file (.cmtr).  

Make sure you only submit reply comments to resolved comments.  To help
with this I have uploaded a version of the database with the resolved
comments filtered out to the temp directory:  (Make sure you use the "Personalize" tab to enter your details
before).  There is no difference between this version of the database
and that announced by Nohara-san, other than the filtering.


Original Message

=== Call for Reply Comments on the Resolutions, P802.16j/D1 ===
           with closing date: 5 November, 2007, AOE

Dear 16 members,

IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #28 was held and the comment
resolutions were conducted at the Relay Task Group, #51 802.16WG
Session.  Thank you for your contributions and participation.

During the session, 470 comments resolved, out of 1,059 comments
submitted.  As agreed there (with the closing report of IEEE
802.16j-07/026), the Relay TG chair has since resolved
several comments following session #51 which had no conflicting
resolutions amongst the chair team, and as a result, a set of additional
190 comments have been resolved.  The commentary database has been
revised and updated to accommodate those resolutions to be:
802.16-07/045r3, which has been on the WG upload server submitted by
Mike Hart, Relay TG Technical Editor.

Please note that instead of having two databases (045r2A and r2B), the
Chair team decided to create unified one (045r3), so as to avoid
any confusion which may be found with multiple references.

This note is a Call for Reply Comments on the resolutions in the revised
commentary database 802.16-07/045r3,
with a deadline of Monday 5 November, 2007 AOE.

Please remind that the only replies relating to the resolutions will be
considered by the TG at session #52, and any additional replies to the
comments are not requested.

Please refer to the original message of the Letter Ballot Call for Reply
Comments sent by Roger B. Marks, the WG Chair, for your information.

Your contributions through the comment resolutions would be much

Thank you in advance and best regards,


Mitsuo Nohara
Relay TG Chair, IEEE 802.16WG
KDDI R&D Labs. /

Original message of the WG Letter Ballot Call for Reply Comments by WG
Working Group Letter Ballot #28 has closed. The results are here:

We received 1059 comments:

This note is a Call for Reply Comments, with a deadline of Sunday 16
September AOE <>.
This is Monday at 2 pm in Malaga.

The Commentary file will open to the view in which you can begin
entering reply comments. Use the "Submit Reply Comments" tab in the
upper right corner to export your replies to a file for uploading, per
the embedded instructions.


To:  IEEE 802.16 Reflector
bcc: IEEE 802.16 Working Group Members

IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #28 is now open, through 9
September 2007 AOE. The ballot is on the question:

*"To forward to the IEEE 802 LMSC Executive Committee, for IEEE-SA
Sponsor Ballot, IEEE P802.16j/D1"
The draft is here:

The announcement document:
  Title: "IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #28: Announcement"
  Document Number: IEEE 802.16-07/043
  URL: <>

details the procedures. It also tells you how to participate and
explains the Members' obligation to do so. "Membership shall be lost if
two consecutive, or two of any three consecutive, Working Group letter
ballots for which the member was eligible are not returned or are
returned with an abstention other than for 'lack of technical

The ballot web page is:

The ballot submission form is:

Results will be posted, as they are received, at:


Roger B. Marks  <> Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working
Group on Broadband Wireless Access