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Re: [STDS-802-16] [802SEC] Arnie's concern regarding submittals to ITU WP8F


I'm also confused about what you are saying here, even though I am a principal party. Other EC members may really be in the dark.

In particular, you said that "the chair of 802.16 has announced his intention of making a separate submittal to WP8F other than the joint submittal administered by 802.18 at the direction of the EC". I think it is important to be specific here. Could you tell me, for instance, what I announced, and when, and to whom? I can speculate as to your meaning (see point (2) below), but it would probably be helpful to the EC if they were not forced to speculate.

When you say that "separate submittal by 802.16 is inappropriate and contrary to the express direction of the EC," are you referring to the P&P (Clause 14.2, as noted by Pat)? If not, when and where else does the EC provide an "express direction" regarding submittals to ITU-R?

Over the years, the 802.16 WG has initiated many contributions that went from IEEE to ITU-R. Some of these went to WP 8F. Of course, 8F has been disbanded, but I won't get too hung up on that issue since its work will undoubtedly be assigned to another WP. Still, I am not sure what topics you are addressing. What is the topic of the "the joint submittal administered by 802.18" you mentioned?

Let's consider two particular topics that formerly fell under 8F. Both are related to IMT-Advanced:

(1) Contributions of comments regarding the IMT-Advanced technical requirements.
The IEEE 802.16 Working Group has participated actively with the 802.18 TAG toward reaching consensus contributions. It did so in preparation for the previous regularly-scheduled meeting of WP 8F (in May). In July, you volunteered to second a proposal that Mr. Stevenson offered as an email motion <> "that individual WGs be prohibited by the EC from presenting individual, potentially differing, inputs to ITU-R" regarding IMT-Advanced. The EC Chair ruled this motion out of order "since it is direct conflict with 802 P&P sections 14.1 and 14.2 which grant WGs an TAGs the ability to communicate directly with standards bodies and government bodies" <>. The Chair also said that "it does seem reasonable for the 802 WGs and TAGs to provide an IEEE 802 communication to the ITU-R IMT-Advanced activity if possible and I would encourage them to do so."

To summarize the followup to that discussion, the 802.16 WG continued to follow the EC Chair's encouragement. It has not proposed to develop its own standalone input on this topic. In fact, in September, it submitted two contributions to the IEEE 802.18 TAG on the issue. One proposed that 802.18 develop input to ITU-R on IMT-Advanced evaluation criteria as well as IMT-Advanced technical requirements, and it proposed specific procedures and schedules to encourage efficient development of contributions by the November Plenary. The other offered detailed comments. These contributions were copied to the EC <>. To my knowledge, 802.18 received no other contributions on the IMT-Advanced topic for consideration in its September meeting. 802.18 decided to continue development before the November Plenary. To my understanding, only the 802.16 and 802.11 WGs contributed to that effort, which resulted in two drafts that were posted today.

Is this "the joint submittal administered by 802.18" that you mentioned? If so, then I don't see any sign of the "intent" you believe I announced. On the contrary, I conclude that 802.16 has been active in supporting 802.18, on a voluntary basis, in the development of submittals intended as IEEE contributions regarding IMT-Advanced technical comments and evaluation criteria. So perhaps you were not thinking of this topic.

(2) Contributions of technical proposed regarding the content of IMT-Advanced recommendations.
The issue of whether IEEE 802.18 would try, in the future, to coordinate a joint contribution of a specific technical standard or standards as an element of IMT-Advanced recommendations was discussed within 802.18 during the July Plenary. Various views were stated, and no decision was reached <>. The 802.16 WG followed up with a contribution (IEEE L802.16-07/061) to the 802.18 Radio Regulatory TAG's September session, copying the EC <>. It is possible that you were referring to this document when you said that I announced my intention. But please note that this contribution was not an announcement by the WG Chair; it identified itself as a statement "from the 802.16 Working Group." Its purpose was "to share our views on the development/coordination of 802 radio interface technology submission(s) to ITU-R for IMT-Advanced."

This document IEEE L802.16-07/061 <> is a serious analysis of the issue. It raises some important procedural and practical concerns. It argues that this case, which is a matter of standardization, is quite unlike the case of point (1) above. It makes clear that the 802.16 WG does expect to develop a proposal toward IMT-Advanced, based on the P802.16m Amendment, and it argues that the PAR assigns the responsibility for this internationalization to the WG. It suggests that forcing an 802-wide collaboration on technology standards for IMT-Advanced would be cumbersome, untimely, and ultimately unsuccessful.

In conclusion: If the topic is whether WGs should, in the future, attempt to coordinate a joint contribution of a specific technical standard or standards as an element of IMT-Advanced recommendations, then it is clear that the 802.16 WG has taken a position against it and provided its reasons. A standalone proposal developed within a WG is routine under the procedures and, to my knowledge, is not contrary to any "express direction of the EC." I'd be happy to discuss this with the EC members.


On Nov 5, 2007, at 05:36 PM, Pat Thaler wrote:


I don't understand the meaning of "his intention of making a submittal".
Do you mean that he is making a submittal on behalf of his Working Group
or do you mean that he is planning a submittal as an individual or from
a non-802 entity (e.g. his employer or another body). WP8F in your email
means the ITU WP8F I assume. That makes it a communication to an
"intergovernmental body" which comes under 14.2 of our rules rather than
Coordination with Other Standards Bodies under 14.1, right?

If he intends to make a submittal from his Working Group, then it is
covered by our rules. Under 14.2.2 Working Group or TAG Communications,
the submittal would need 75% approval of the Working Group or TAG and
sent to the EC for 5 day review during which a motion could be made to
block release of the submittal and submittal would be withheld while we
voted on the motion.

If he is making the submittal as an individual or due to his role in an
non-802 organization, I believe that is allowed. In that case, the
submittal should make clear that it is not from the WG or IEEE 802. We
didn't give up the ability to participate in other standards when we
took our leadership roles in IEEE 802. I participate in and submit input
to T11 and at times in IETF without passing those submittals by LMSC.


P.S., in reviewing the rules I noticed that Clause 14 of our P&P
references 5.1.4 of the SB OM but 5.1.3 is the correct reference for
Statements to external bodies. 5.1.4 is on Standards publicity. When we
redo the P&P to split out bylaws, we should correct and probably should
put clause title in external references so that the reader has some help
if the referenced document changes clause numbers. I also noticed that
5.1.3 of the SB OM says all external statements should include in the
opening paragraph or as a footnote to that paragraph:

"This document solely represents the views of name of group and does not
necessarily represent a position of either the IEEE or the IEEE
Standards Association."

I don't recall seeing that statement in all our external communications.

-------------- Forwarded Message: -------------- 
Subject: Rejected posting to STDS-802-SEC@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG 
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 20:51:43 +0000 

Paul has requested that I bring a concern that I have to the attention
of the EC and that this subject be added as an agenda item for
discussion by the EC in Atlanta. This message is in the way of a heads
up to the members of the EC so that we can exchange views on the Ec

My concern is that the chair of 802.16 has announced his intention of
making a separate submittal to WP8F other than the joint submittal
administered by 802.18 at the direction of the EC. I think that a
separate submittal by 802.16 is inappropriate and contrary to the
express direction of the EC. I request that the EC clarify their
direction so that all working groups will be playing on a level playing
Arnie Greenspan 

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