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Re: [STDS-802-16] [TGm] Contributionss

Hi Avi,
Contribution 08/172 from Nortel addresses both 'pilot structure' and 'DL physical resource allocation'. Could you please update the spreadsheet.
Best regards,


From: Avi Freedman [mailto:avif@HEXAGONLTD.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] [TGm] Contributionss

Dear all

I uploaded to the "temp" directory an Excel file with all the contributions uploaded so far, allocated according to their designated topic in the "Re" field or my wild guess. Please have a look and see if I missed any document or wrongly assigned them.  Contributions with problems are marked in red.


A few more problems with contributions:

121: No specific topic allocation in the "Re" field

126r1:  Wrong document number in the header. The base document (126) does not exist, but upload a corrected version as r2

174: No specific topic allocation in the "Re" field.

181, 125:  Wrong document number (should be a C document, like the filename). Remove the editing instructions from the cover page.

182:  No "Re field, wrong abstract, no "purpose".

191:  It seems it is just a commentary file. Any reason why was it uploaded as a contribution? Please export it to a *.cmtb with the name tgmsdd_YourName.cmtb

196:  Wrong document number in the header

201:  Wrong document number in the header

217: Wrong document number in the header

227: No indication in the "Re" field to which of the topics this contribution refers to



From: Avi Freedman []
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 12:09 AM
Subject: [TGm] Problematic contributions


Dear all,

A new batch of contributions has arrived in the TGm upload directory, ensuring us that we are going to have, as usual, a wonderful busy time. Some of the contributions have some problems. Please make an effort to fix them and upload a corrected version.


120:  No specific topic in the "Re" Field. The "Re" field should refer to a specific topic in the Call for Contributions. Read the instructions in IEEE 802.16m-08/005

145, 146:  No date, no RE field

147: The "Re" field should refer to the Call for Contributions. Read the instructions in IEEE 802.16m-08/005

C802.16m-08/159r1 is identical to S802.16m-08/159. There is no need for the "S" document in this case. In the document C802.16m-08/159r1 the slide show template was wrongly used. There is no "Re" field. The "Venue" field in the "S" document is OK.

The same applies to the pair S802.16m-08/137 and C802.16m-08/137r1.


S802.16m-08/170,171:  The "base document" should be C802.16m-08/170,171



The following documents don't seem to refer to the subject they were allocated to in the "Re" field, or to any of the topics in the CfC:

124, 137, 159, 170

