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Re: [STDS-802-16] +++IEEE 802.16 Letter Ballot #34 (on P802.16p/11-0033) is now open+++


Thanks for asking.

As you have observed, this is a ballot only on the question of adopting the document as a Working Group Draft. There is nothing in the ballot motion that would authorize sending the document to Sponsor Ballot. That will need to be addressed in a separate Working Group Letter Ballot.

The decision to proceed to Sponsor Ballot needs to be agreed in a Working Group Letter Ballot. A WG motion at a meeting is insufficient.


Roger B. Marks <>
Consensii LLC <>
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access <>

On 2011/10/10, at 11:55 AM, Erik Colban wrote:


Given that the motion of this Letter Ballot is:

"To adopt IEEE P802.16p-11/0033 as a Working Group Draft, contingent on the approval of the
P802.16.1b PAR "

I am wondering if another Letter Ballot motion to forward the draft to the IEEE 802 LMSC Executive Committee, for IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballot, is required.

Your answer to this question determines how I will vote on this document. If I can expect another LB, then I will probably vote Approve. However, if it is implied that once the WG has approved a document as a Draft, it may be sent to the IEEE-SA to kick off the Sponsor Ballot without a Letter Ballot motion (either by a simple motion at a WG plenary meeting, or no motion at all), then I may vote Disapprove.

Please advice!

Erik Colban

On 10/7/2011 4:17 PM, Roger B. Marks wrote:
To:  IEEE 802.16 Reflector

At the Closing Plenary of IEEE 802.16 Session #75, on 22 September 2011, the WG agreed to open a Working Group Letter Ballot regarding a pre-draft document to form the basis of a draft of the P802.16.1b project, contingent on the approval of P802.16.1b PAR. That pre-draft document is now represented by IEEE 802.16p-11/0033.

My interpretation of the decision is that the WG intended to open a WG Letter Ballot regarding the adoption of IEEE 802.16p-11/0033 as a Working Group Draft. Accordingly, IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #34 is now open, through 6 November 2011 AOE. 

The pre-draft is here:

The announcement document:
	Title: "IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #34: Announcement"
	Document Number: IEEE 802.16-11/0028
details the procedures. It also tells you how to participate and explains the Members' obligation to do so. "Membership shall be lost if two consecutive, or two of any three consecutive, Working Group letter ballots for which the member was eligible are not returned or are returned with an abstention other than for 'lack of technical expertise'."

The ballot web page is:

The ballot submission form is:

Results will be posted, as they are received, at:


Roger B. Marks <>
Consensii LLC <>
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access <>

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