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[STDS-802-16] IEEE 802.16 Membership Update following Session #82

I've updated the following lists:

Session #82 participation:

New Members have been issued welcome messages and appropriate access information.
Members: Please understand the obligations of memberships and the retention rules:

Former Members (membership lost due to lack of participation in sessions):

Members in Peril:
Could lose membership following Session #84, without further participation
The list may shrink following Sessions #83.

Potential Members:
Eligible to become a member upon attendance at Session #84
Will have voting token at Session #84
The list may grow following Sessions #83.
Some may lose membership immediately after session, as noted.


Potential Observers:
can become an Observer using form:
The response to the form will provide new Observers with appropriate access information.

Member Contact Database (password-protected):
Observer Contact Database (password-protected):

Note: If you are a Member or Observer and 802.16 doesn't have your
current contact info, please provide it using the Member and Observer
Forms. See:

If you have any questions or see any errors, let me know immediately,
providing specific published documentation (including published session
attendance lists, ballot reports, membership requirements, etc.)
