IEEE 802.16 Session #59 Report
IEEE 802.16's Session #59 was held on 12-15 January 2009 in La Jolla, CA, USA. This was an Interim Session of the Working Group. The Member Host was Lei Wang of NextWave Wireless.
The attendance list includes 310 individuals.
Task Group m (TGm): Advanced Air Interface
Task Group m (TGm) continued with its work in the development of the P802.16m project to amend the IEEE 802.16 WirelessMAN-OFDMA specification so that, while offering continuing support for legacy WirelessMAN-OFDMA equipment, it can meet the emerging cellular layer requirements of IMT-Advanced next generation mobile networks. Following comment resolution, a new version IEEE 802.16m-08/003r7 of the draft System Description Document (SDD) was adopted as a baseline. Comment resolution also led to a revised version of the IEEE 802.16m Amendment Working Document (AWD). Both documents will be subject to a further Call for Comments. Based on change requests, the System Requirements Document (SRD) and Evaluation Methodology Document (EMD) were revised. The TG issued a closing report and minutes.
Maintenance Task Group
The Maintenance Task Group completed the resolution of comments received during IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballot comment resolution on the P802.16Rev2/D8 draft. The Working Group agreed to issue a new draft, P802.16Rev2/D9, for Sponsor Confirmation Ballot, and agreed to submit it to RevCom. A closing report and minutes were issued.
Relay Task Group
The Relay Task Group completed the resolution of comments received during IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballot comment resolution on the P802.16j/D8 draft. The Working Group agreed to issue a new draft, P802.16j/D9, for Sponsor Confirmation Ballot, and agreed to submit it to RevCom. A closing report and minutes were issued.
License-Exempt Task Group
The License-Exempt Task Group prepared resolutions for comments received during IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballot on the P802.16h/D8 draft. The Working Group agreed to issue a new draft (see P802.16h/D8a) and seek review in a WG Call for Comments (deadline: 2 March AOE). A closing report and minutes were issued.
Working Group Ad Hoc Committee on Network Robustness and Reliability
- The Working Group Ad Hoc Committee on Network Robustness and Reliability met during the session and prepared a report. The group was authorized to continue its work through Session #60.
Working Group Reorganization Discussion
- A meeting was held to discuss issues regarding the possible reorganization of the Working Group in order to maintain its progress following the great growth and success it has experienced. Discussion will continue through the members' email list.
Liaison Activities
The WG's ITU-R Liaison Group met actively throughout the session. The group updated its Workplan, draft a number of documents, and issued a meeting report (L802.16-08/062). As a result of this activity, the following actions arose:
The WG issued a Liaison Statement to the IEEE 802.18 TAG (L802.16-09/0006r1) providing formal notification that it intends to submit an IMT-Advanced proposal based on the 802.16m project.
The WG issued a Liaison Statement (L802.16-09/0007r2) to ARIB's IMT-Advanced Subcommittee regarding preparations for the IMT-Advanced proposal.
The WG issued a Liaison Statement (L802.16-09/0005r1) to the WiMAX Forum regarding preparations for the IMT-Advanced proposal and another (L802.16-09/0004r1) on the update of Recommendation ITU-R M.1457.
The WG issued a Call for Contributions for IMT-Advanced RIT Proposal Templates (L802.16-09/0008r2), with a deadline of 7 March. A correspondence activity was initiated to discuss contributions in progress.
Future Meetings
IEEE 802.16's Session #60 will take place on 9-12 March 2009 in Vancouver, BC, Canada in conjunction with the IEEE 802 Plenary Session. Preregistration and hotel reservations are open, with a deadline of 20 February. Please act soon to ensure a room of your choice and obtain the discounted registration fee.
IEEE 802.16's Session #61 will take place on 4-7 May in Cairo, Egypt. This will be an Interim Session of the Working Group. The session is hosted by Fadel Digham and Ahmed Shalash, with the National Telecom Regulatory Authority of Egypt (NTRA) as Corporate Host. The host has revised and finalized the venue.
IEEE 802.16's Session #62 will take place on 13-16 July 2009 in San Francisco, California, USA in conjunction with the IEEE 802 Plenary Session.
The WG accepted a proposal to hold IEEE 802.16's Session #63 in Jeju, Korea on 31 August - 3 September 2009. The session will be hosted by Hokyu Choi, with Samsung as Corporate Host.
The WG will send a delegation to the IEEE 802.18 TAG meeting of 21-25 September 2009 in Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, where 802.18 will review IMT-Advanced proposals. Other TGm activities may also be convened at this meeting.
IEEE 802.16's Session #64 will take place on 16-19 Nov 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA in conjunction with the IEEE 802 Plenary Session.
IEEE 802.16's Session #65 is scheduled for mid-January 2009. The site is to be determined during Session #60. Proposals are solicited. Please see the IEEE 802.16 Interim Session Guidelines. Please indicate your interest to the WG Chair in advance.
Minutes and Motions
The draft Working Group Session #59 minutes are available as IEEE 802.16-09/0003.
The Session #59 Document Guide includes references to all session documents. Draft standards are available with a working group password or by purchase from IEEE-SA. Most IEEE 802.16 standards are available for free download via the Get IEEE 802® program. See the 802.16 publication list for details of published standards and drafts.
About IEEE 802.16
The IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access Standards has developed and is enhancing the WirelessMAN® Standard for wireless metropolitan area networks. IEEE 802.16 is a unit of the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee, the premier transnational forum for wired and wireless networking standardization. A list of IEEE 802.16 standards and drafts is available on-line, as is an archive of previous Session Reports. The IEEE 802.16 Interactive Calendar includes sessions and deadlines.
"802.16 News" Mailing List
The "802.16 News" mailing list ("stds-802-16-news") has the sole purpose of distributing major announcements related to the Working Group. Those interested in following the progress of the group but not in the day-to-day details may wish to subscribe. Only the Working Group Chair is eligible to post to the list, and mailings will be rare: once after each bimonthly session and additionally for major news, such as the approval of a new standard. Those subscribing to the stds-802-16 mailing list, for active Working Group participants, need not subscribe to stds-802-16-news since the postings will be redundant.
With the approval of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group, this report (8 February 2008 release, 21 February update) was drafted and edited by:
Roger Marks (
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access Standards
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