The attendance list includes 136 individuals.
Task Group m (TGm): Advanced Air Interface
Task Group m (TGm) met and completed resolution of comments in Working Group Letter Ballot Recirculation #31a, in which draft P802.16m/D5 was under review. The Working Group decided to prepare P802.16m/D6 for a final confirmation recirculation and make a request to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee for conditional approval to proceed to IEEE Sponsor Ballot. The TG issued a closing report, with minutes to follow.
Maintenance Task Group
The Maintenance Task Group met to address maintenance change requests. The TG issued a closing report and minutes.
GRIDMAN Study Group
The IEEE 802.16 GRIDMAN Study Group (on "Greater Reliability In Disrupted Metropolitan Area Networks") met for the third time. The group is awaiting approval of the P802.16n PAR, which is on the NesCom agenda of 16 June and stands to be approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board the following day. The SG drafted an outline for an 802.16n System Requirements Document. It issued a closing report and minutes.
Project Planning Committee
The WG's Project Planning Committee met and reviewed contributions. It concluded a Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Study Report and draft an M2M PAR. The WG agreed to forward the M2M PAR to the 802 EC. The Project Planning Committee agreed to initiate the development of study reports for Hierarchical Networks and for coexistence with non-802 TDD systems. The committee prepared a closing report.
License-Exempt Task Group
The License-Exempt Task Group did not meet. The P802.16h draft is on the RevCom agenda of 16 June and stands to be approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board the following day.
Liaison Activities
The ITU-R Liaison Group met through the week. Its work is summarized in the ITU-R Liaison Group Report. In particular:
IMT-Advanced Evaluation Group Coordination Meeting
The Second IEEE 802.16 IMT-Advanced Evaluation Group Coordination Meeting was held successfully on 17 May in Beijing, China. 50 individuals participated, with participation from 12 of the 14 Independent Evaluation Groups involved in IMT-Advanced evaluations. All the meeting documents, including the meeting report, are available at the meeting web page.
Working Group Minutes
The Working Group Session #67 minutes, as recorded by Secretary Scott Probasco, are available as IEEE 802.16-10/0038.
The Session #67 Document Guide includes references to all session documents. Draft standards are available with a working group password or by purchase from IEEE-SA. Most IEEE 802.16 standards are available for free download via the Get IEEE 802® program. See the 802.16 publication list for details of published standards and drafts.
About IEEE 802.16
The IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access Standards has developed and is enhancing the WirelessMAN® Standard for wireless metropolitan area networks. IEEE 802.16 is a unit of the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee, the premier transnational forum for wired and wireless networking standardization. A list of IEEE 802.16 standards and drafts is available on-line, as is an archive of previous Session Reports. The IEEE 802.16 Interactive Calendar includes sessions and deadlines.
"802.16 News" Mailing List
The "802.16 News" mailing list ("stds-802-16-news") has the sole purpose of distributing major announcements related to the Working Group. Those interested in following the progress of the group but not in the day-to-day details may wish to subscribe. Only the Working Group Chair is eligible to post to the list, and mailings will be rare: once after each bimonthly session and additionally for major news, such as the approval of a new standard. Those subscribing to the stds-802-16 mailing list, for active Working Group participants, need not subscribe to stds-802-16-news since the postings will be redundant.
Roger Marks (
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access Standards