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[RPRWG] Power Strips requested for the interim Meeting

All, I have learned that the hotel charges $15.00 for each power strip that they provide for our interim meeting.  Many frugal-minded attendees like myself, would rather bring our own power strip or multi-outlet extension cord than to throw away money like that.  If a couple of dozen of you are willing to bring your own power strips then our meeting fees will not be frivolously squandered on this needlessly high expense.  For those that feel so moved, I give you my thanks.
Best regards,
Robert D. Love
Chair, Resilient Packet Ring Alliance
President, LAN Connect Consultants
7105 Leveret Circle     Raleigh, NC 27615
Phone: 919 848-6773       Mobile: 919 810-7816
email: rdlove@xxxxxxxx          Fax: 208 978-1187