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[RPRWG] November Meeting - Tentative Schedule

All, Mike Takefman and I just finished discussing the subject of meeting schedule for November (in Austin), so that everyone can make their travel plans.  The schedule is not yet firm.  However, Mike and I were thinking that the best plan may be to schedule the 802.17 plenary meeting to end by Thursday, with the meeting running into the evening hours if necessary.  That way, those wanting to leave ASAP, after the meeting is over, and who do not expect to stay for any ad-hoc meetings can plan on flying out early Friday morning.  Those people running Ad-Hoc groups should post any requests for Friday meetings to the 802.17 reflector ASAP.
Please provide feedback on this plan.  Do you like it, ... hate it ... don't care?  Let us know what you think. 
Best regards,
Robert D. Love
Chair, Resilient Packet Ring Alliance
President, LAN Connect Consultants
7105 Leveret Circle     Raleigh, NC 27615
Phone: 919 848-6773       Mobile: 919 810-7816
email: rdlove@xxxxxxxx          Fax: 208 978-1187