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RE: [RPRWG] Austin Meeting Details / Process

Folks -
Per Bob's comments I am arranging locations for the groups to meet.  Anyone
that wants to participate in the MAC, PHYS, TOPO or LMGT discussion groups
can plan on these times.  The locations are TBD and I will post them ASAP.
Meetings are planned for:

Sun Nov 11 - 6pm to 9pm
Mon Nov 12 - 9am to 11:30am
Mon Nov 12 - 7 pm to 10pm
Tues Nov 13 - 7pm to 10pm
Weds Nov 14 - 7pm to 10pm
Thurs Nov 15 - 7pm to 10pm


-----Original Message-----
From: RDLove [mailto:rdlove@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 5:54 AM
To: Mike Takefman; stds-802-17@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [RPRWG] Austin Meeting Details / Process

I propose that we allot time every evening (Sunday through Thursday
Evening), and
Monday morning for the four groups, MAC - MAC Group, TOPO - Topology
Discovery Group, PHYS - Physical Layer Group, and LMGT - Layer Management
Group, to meet.  The objective of these meetings would be to develop a
single proposal in each area to bring forward.  An early part of that
process will be to move all proposals within the Ad Hoc group closer to each
other.  The tenor of the meetings should be collaborative, with all parties
looking for a solution that can go forward and garner a 75% majority of the
votes.  I further suggest that each group attempt to appoint someone to act
as a neutral leader to encourage a supportive collaborative effort within
each of the Ad Hoc groups.  We will have some time on Wednesday to see how
well the process is working, and to get reports from the Ad Hocs on there
self appraisal of progress and likelihood of reaching their objective (a
single proposal to be brought to the group), and the time frame for meeting
the objective (the November meeting, before the January interim, or by the
end of the January interim).  We have an excellent chance to make dramatic
strides in converging our thinking in each of these major areas.  One of the
key initiatives at the upcoming meeting should be devoting extensive energy
to making that happen.

All, if you are signed up for any of these groups, please make travel plans

Mannix, as coordinator and collector of the information, please discuss
timing with a number of people in each group and post suggested times for
the Ad Hoc groups to meet.

All, during the first meeting or before, think about who would be a good
impartial leader for each Ad Hoc group to keep discussions positive and