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[RPRWG] RE: A place for papers on RPR website

Title: RE: A place for papers on RPR website


Thanks for the suggestion. Certainly the current website needs some work (Dave James also sent some suggestions which I'm implementing as we speak).

As to your specific suggestion I have some concerns:

1. The workload is non-zero :-) I.e. it sounds like more work for me, which is OK, assuming the group derives sufficient value. I'm open to discussion on that, but I need to be convinced at this point.

2. With regard to articles, the potential for politicizing is high. I.e. will we post anybody's articles/views? What endorsement (if any) do they carry? Is it the business of the IEEE to publicize individual views? A clear policy would be needed because I'm not signed up to decide what gets posted and what doesn't. Sounds like trouble to me...

As an alternative, the RPR Alliance has a page for logging published articles. Check them out at: and scroll down to "News Articles." The Alliance provides this as a service to anyone wishing to learn more about RPR and follow the development of the technology. If you are aware of articles that the Alliance should post, please let me or Bob Love know and we can look into it.

3. The IEEE website is set up to carry any and all views in the context of contributions to the Plenary and Interim meetings. If you really want to be heard, that's the way to do it IMHO. The examples you cite certainly would be appropriate in terms of subject matter to be discussed/presented at a meeting, and I would be happy to post the contribution on the meeting page. In that case the context of the posting is clear: the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the group/IEEE/etc...

Admittedly, the contributions tend to be chartware but that need-not be so. Should a contributor wish to post a white-paper about which he/she will talk in an upcoming meeting, that's great -- I'd be happy to post it.

3. The website is also set up to carry draft contributions and proposed standard text under the Draft Contributions page. (Albeit, it needs an update as per DVJ's suggestion).

So I don't want to dismiss your suggestion -- it's a good one. I'm just afraid of the workload and policy issues that may arise, and I suggest there are other avenues to achieve the same result.

What do you think? Anybody else have a view? Anybody else want my job? :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jha, Pankaj [mailto:pkj@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 12:35 AM
To: Hawkins, John [WWP1:2268:EXCH]
Subject: A place for papers on RPR website

Hi John:
I would like to propose that we have a place on RPR website for papers
and possibly articles related to RPR. This will allow people to submit
papers and articles that assist in understanding and formulation of RPR
standard. I can think of works related to CRC calculation &
performance, max frame size requirements and issues, protection
mechanisms and discussions on wrapping/steering, bridging and routing
issues, etc.... These papers will be individual articles that would help
educate everybody and possibly bring up issues to consider for RPR
standards formulation.