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Re: [RPRWG] MPLS VPN (RFC 2547) over RPR

MPLS and 2547 VPN should be able to run over RPR 
as it does today over ethernet. However, other MPLS 
issues such as TE will require extensions to IP to 
take into consideration ingress and egress points
around the ring as well as alternate paths 
available (other than the shortest path). 
FRR features also require synchronization with RPR's

These issues we plan to address within the IPORPR WG
in the IETF after 802.17 specs have firmed. The IPORPR WG 
is currently in hibernation awaiting firmer 802.17 specs.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jefferyf" <jefferyf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <stds-802-17@xxxxxxxx>; <tak@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 3:09 AM
Subject: [RPRWG] MPLS VPN (RFC 2547) over RPR

> Mike and all
> Are there any considerations about RFC 2547 MPLS VPN over RPR in the WG?
> Based on the common understanding, if one product offers ethernet interfaces
> over RPR, and supports long ethernet frame, then can deploy RFC2547 on this,
> right?
> Regards/JF