RE: [RPRWG] control TTL (the 255-station and 2000-km issue)
> > The problem with (3), which you seem to advocate,
> > is the time gap between the wrap action and the
> > the distribution/settling of the wrap state information
> > in other stations. During this time difference, any
> > and all TTL-strip based frames will be discarded.
> A good point david, in response please consider the following
> Never decrement when on the wrong ring. Once the wrap
> state is left, kill the packet if the ring id
> is wrong. THus going into wrap does not cause the
> packets to be prematurely lost. When leaving wrap
> the packets will be killed once everyone knows
> the wrap is over.
Does everyone on the ring know when a wrap has occured
and when it heals? I thought wrapping was a local issue
and only nodes adjacent to the fault know about it.
In that case, if the node at which wrapping occurs
detects a heal, and for some reason doesn't pull a wrap
packet off, it will continue to circulate forever.
The node can't be dropping wrapped packets forever
because the wrap could occur somewhere else at
which time it would be a legal packet for pass-through.