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Re: [RPRWG] Request for members of a State Tables Ad Hoc

Here is an update on the State Tables Ad Hoc.
Listed below are the people that have volunteered, and the Section editors
that are strongly requested to participate in this effort.

The first meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 15th, from 1:00pm -
2:30pm West Coast Time (4:00pm - 5:30pm East Coast time)
Please note the 30 minute change from the originally planned time.

The primary objectives of the first meeting are to
1) Find out from the section editors how this Ad Hoc can best help the
progress of the standard through the development of the list of actions /
input conditions that must be described in the standard.
2) Determine what form our output should be to maximize its helpfulness
3) Discuss methodologies we may want to employ to develop the input
4) Establish initial assignments.

If anyone on the lists below cannot attend the first session, please let me
know.  Others that can attend but are not on the list, please post a note to
the 802.17 reflector stating your intention to participate.

I have established a conference call with 20 open lines as follows:
Date: October 15, 2002
Time 1 - 2:30pm (West Coast Time)
Call in number:  702 851-3330
Participation Access Code 8021715   (The algorithm will remain 80217
followed by the two digit day of the month.)

A reminder notice will be posted to the 802.17 reflector on Monday.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The following people have volunteered to participate in this Ad Hoc by
responding to the attached note:
Asif Hazarika <ahazarik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Devendra Tripathi <tripathi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Stephen Dunhom <sfd@xxxxxxxxxxx>

In addition, I believe that at least some of the people that volunteered at
the interim meeting were:
Anoop Ghanwani <anoop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Komal Rathi <krathi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
David James <dvj@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Others that volunteered, please post your names.

In addition, I stated at the meeting that this Ad Hoc group needed the
participation of at least one of the section editors from each section of
the draft.  That means it needs, in addition to the above volunteers I need
many of the following people participating if the State Table Ad Hoc is to
do a credible job in enumerating the conditions and cases that must be dealt
with by the standard.

Tom Alexander <tom@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Steve Wood <swood@xxxxxxxxx >
John Lemon <Lemon@xxxxxxxxxxxx?
Rhett Brikovskis <rhett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Bob Sultan <ra_sultan@xxxxxxxxx>
Necdet Uzun  <nuzun@xxxxxxxxx>
Jason Fan <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Jim Kao <jkao@xxxxxxxxx>
Glen Parsons <gparsons@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Leon Bruckman <leonb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Gal Mor <galm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Robert Castellano <rcastellano@xxxxxxxxx>
Mark Holness <holness@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Best regards,

Robert D. Love
President, Resilient Packet Ring Alliance
President, LAN Connect Consultants
7105 Leveret Circle     Raleigh, NC 27615
Phone: 919 848-6773       Mobile: 919 810-7816
email: rdlove@xxxxxxxx          Fax: 208 978-1187
----- Original Message -----
From: "rdlove" <rdlove@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <stds-802-17@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 3:40 PM
Subject: [RPRWG] Request for members of a State Tables Ad Hoc

> At the New Orleans IEEE 802.17 interim meeting we decided to establish an
> Hoc group to look at the State Machines defined in our draft to see where
> they may be deficient.  Specifically, the Ad Hoc group has the task of
> generating the conditions / events that need to be described by the State
> Machines and help determine what the consequences of those events are and
> how they could be incorporated into the State Machines.
> For this Ad Hoc group to be successful, it is critical that we have good
> participation from the experts in the working group, including the
> editors of each of the clauses.
> All those wishing to participate in the State Tables Ad Hoc group please
> send an email to the 802.17 reflector (by Friday, October 11) indicating
> your willingness to do so.  I will set up a conference call link for the
> meeting to be held from 12:30 - 2:00pm on Monday October 14, or Tuesday,
> October 15th.  If you have any strong preference for a meeting time / day
> week, please announce your preferences.
> I will send out a follow-up email with the meeting details including the
> call-in number.
> Best regards.
> Robert D. Love
> President LAN Connect Consultants
> President Resilient Packet Ring Alliance
> Best regards,
> Robert D. Love
> email rdlove@xxxxxxxx