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[802SEC] Re: hotel

Bob, your question is a good one.  I believe my response should go to all of 802.17, and to the SEC for possible action from groups that want to move from the Hyatt to the Sheraton.
First, Bob, you need to realize that what you are asking for is a tremendous job, which has already begun.  There are far more complexities in making the switch than you might expect.   Also, there are no guarantees that those desiring to change hotels can.
Now for the possibilities:
All those in 802.17 that would like to change hotels from the Sheraton to the Hyatt should call the Hyatt and get your names on the waiting list.  Be sure to let them know what price rooms you are willing to accept.  There is no guarantee that rooms will become available.  Obviously, the higher price room you will accept, the more chance there is that a room will open up.  If you get confirmation of your room reservation at the Hyatt, call the Sheraton and get a confirmation number for the cancellation of your room there.
All groups that have moved from the Hyatt to the Sheraton, please send a note to your working groups advising them that rooms should be opening up at the Sheraton for people switching hotels.  Therefore, if they would like to be at the Sheraton, they should call the Sheraton and get their names on the waiting list for that hotel for the room rates they want.
Best regards,
Robert D. Love
President, Resilient Packet Ring Alliance
President, LAN Connect Consultants
7105 Leveret Circle     Raleigh, NC 27615
Phone: 919 848-6773       Mobile: 919 810-7816
email: rdlove@xxxxxxxx          Fax: 208 978-1187
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Sultan
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 11:24 AM
Subject: hotel

Hi Bob,
I was also one of those people who was a good doobie, made their hotel reservation early, and now find that I'm not in the right hotel.  Why can't the IEEE, Face-to-Face, and the hotels, get together with a list of all the people who want to change, and make the changes.  This would take the time of only a few people, and would make the meeting a lot nicer.