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[RPRWG] [Fwd: Registration for IEEE 802 Interim Meetings]


FYI - due to web registration issues the deadline is
extended from today until monday.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Registration for IEEE 802 Interim Meetings
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 12:34:40 -0800
From: "Jennifer Hull" <jennifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: <jennifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Bob Heile" <bheile@xxxxxxxx>, "stuart Kerry"
<stuart.kerry@xxxxxxxxxxx>,"Mike Takefman" <tak@xxxxxxxxx>, "Bob Grow"
<bob.grow@xxxxxxxxx>,"Mark Klerer" <M.Klerer@xxxxxxxxxxx>,"Jim Lansford"
<jimlans@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Howard Frazier"
<millardo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Tony Jeffree" <tony@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: "Dawn Slykhouse" <dawns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Darcel Moro"
<darcel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Bill Quackenbush" <billq@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

	We are currently experiencing difficulties with web hosting site for
Web Registration. We are trying to resolve the problem, but since today
the "deadline" for pre web reg, we would like to extend the deadline to
Monday, December 23 at 6pm PST. Please let your attendees know that are
having difficulties registering that it is not them, it is the site and
will extend the deadline.
	If you DO NOT want to extend the deadline to Monday, please let us know
soon as possible. Once the site is up and running again, we will let you

Sorry for the inconvenience.
 Jennifer Hull
Face to Face Events
2699 Iversen Ct
Santa Clara, CA. 95051
Tel: 408-241-8906
Fax: 408-241-8918
E-mail: jennifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx