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[RPRWG] [Fwd: [802SEC] +++ LMSC P&P Revision Ballot +++ Ballot on WG Membership]


the following rules change ballot is going on at the SEC level.
if you have any comments please fill out the form and send
them to me or matt sherman (email below).



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [802SEC] +++ LMSC P&P Revision Ballot +++ Ballot on WG Membership
   Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 23:30:44 -0500
   From: <mjsherman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     To: <stds-802-sec@xxxxxxxx>

Dear EC members,

Attached you will find the text for an LMSC P&P revision ballot on WG
Membership.  This ballot was approved at the Friday March 14, 2003 plenary
session.  It is identical to what was presented at the Plenary session except
that per the minutes of that meeting I have change the Section number to  The purpose and rationale for the ballot are as given in the attached

Ballot Opens: March 27, 2003

Ballot Closes: April 28, 200311:59 PM

WG chairs, if you haven't already done so, please invite your WG members to
comment through you.  Buzz, please ensure this gets sent to the "802ALL" email
list as well. While I encourage discussion on the reflector, I am trying
something new this time, and have included a ballot response / comment form.
Prior to the close of the ballot, please fill out the attached form with your
vote and a summary of your comments.  Then send it to the reflector.  I will
accept updated forms until the close of the ballot.  I’m also open to comments
on how this process works.  Hopefully this will make it easier for me to compile
and distribute comments, and not much more difficult for everyone else.  If it
doesn’t work, we will fall back to the old process the next round of ballots.

Thanks & Regards,


Matthew Sherman
Vice Chair, IEEE 802
Technology Consultant
Communications Technology Research
AT&T Labs - Shannon Laboratory
Room B255, Building 103
180 Park Avenue
P.O. Box 971
Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971
Phone: +1 (973) 236-6925
Fax: +1 (973) 360-5877

802.0- Balloted_WG_Membership_P&P_change.pdf
