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RE: [RPRWG] how to calculate the LINK_RATE and reservedRate?


LINK_RATE, reservedRate, and any other internal rates are specified in bytes per ageCoeff agingIntervals, unless otherwise explicitly stated.

John Lemon 

-----Original Message-----
From: X.B.Zhou [mailto:xbzhou@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 5:00 PM
To: stds-802-17@xxxxxxxx
Subject: [RPRWG] how to calculate the LINK_RATE and reservedRate?

Dear all£¬

I have another question about the configuration of the LINK_RATE(clause 9 in draft2.1). Cause that it was not described detailedly in the draft, I don't know how to calculate the LINK_RATE. What is the unit of the LINK_RATE ? Similarly, what is the algorithm of another variable-ReservedRate? For example, the link rate is 2.5Gbps and the reserved bandwidth is 622Mbps,how to get the LINK_RATE and reservedRate?

Best Regards, 				
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
XiaoBo Zhou, Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. E.E., Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, P.R.CHINA
Phone: +86-10-6278-1409