[RPRWG] New Proposed Date: 802.17a CRG Teleconference - June 7, 2pm EDT
Due to some inavailablity of people who expressed interest the
CRG teleconference is being moved to June 7th 2pm EDT (11am PDT).
Dial In Number: 408-902-7862 (408 area code)
866-902-7862 (elsewhere)
Access Code: 8021720
There are 12 comments / proposed resolutions which will be
uploaded this week to the members area balloting page for
802.17a D2.0. Please feel free to read them and if
you have any issues, please email myself and Robert Castellano
Michael Takefman tak@cisco.com
Distinguished Engineer, Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
3000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399 cell:613-220-6991