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[RPRWG] hopstocongested can't come back to max station

Hi all,

According to SCFF receive state table(Draft 3.2), hopsToCongested can't be come back to MAXSTATION once it received a non full rate SCFF frame.

For example, once a station come into congestion and send back a non full rate, this may led the upstream station's hopsToCongestion to 1 according to Row13.10.11.

Then the congested station get into un congestion state and send FULL rate to upstream with sa=himself.
This upstream station will don't change hopsToCongestion according to Row13.10.12.

So the upstream station's hopsToCongestion will 1 for ever.

Why not set hopsToCongested to MAXSTATION in Row13.10.12 or add Row to do it.

Best Regards
Jiang zhou