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[RPRWG] [Fwd: [SUSPECT ATTACHMENT] [802SEC] Proposed 802 LMSC P&P changes to support coexistence]

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [SUSPECT ATTACHMENT] [802SEC] Proposed 802 LMSC P&P changes to
support coexistence
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 15:16:33 -0700
From: "Shellhammer, Stephen J" <stephen.j.shellhammer@INTEL.COM>
Reply-To: "Shellhammer, Stephen J" <stephen.j.shellhammer@INTEL.COM>

Paul Nikolich and 802 Executive Committee members,

             The 802.19 coexistence TAG has developed proposed changes to
the LMSC policies and procedures to support coexistence. The TAG just
completed an electronic letter ballot to submit these changes to the EC
for consideration.  The letter ballot passed 10/0/0.

             I would like to notify you of my intent to make a motion at
the July plenary to accept these proposed changes.  The changes are
given in the attached document.  Paul, please put this on the EC meeting
agendas for both Monday and Friday (since I may choose to postpone my
motion till Friday based on any input I get before the Monday AM meeting).

             Also, I would like to request that this topic be placed on
the agenda for the Sunday evening P&P meeting at the July plenary
(request to Mat Sherman I believe).




Steve Shellhammer

Intel Corporation

(858) 391-4570 <>

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