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[RPRWG] P802.17 Interim Session Announcement

Dear RPRWGers,

Please find attached the meeting announcement for the
interim session in Ottawa, Canada, Oct 4-6, 2004
hosted by Nortel Networks.

As per the notice you can book your hotel rooms now. In
terms of end times on the 6th, that is not yet clear (depends
on us getting the work done). I encourage people to
fly out on thursday morning rather then wednesday

Note: This meeting is joint with dot1.

The focus of this session is the Spatially Aware Bridging
Study Group (SABSG).

Goals for the SABSG are:

1) the finalization of a PAR/5 Criteria for the project to
be sent to all other dot groups in time for the November
Plenary Meeting.

2) Start of the requirements for the SAB project

To this end it is critical that the scope of the project be
well understood and technical and marketing presentations
are solicited to help drive discussion.

Anyone wishing to get agenda time for the session should
contact me.


Michael Takefman    
Distinguished Engineer,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
3000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991

802.17 Interim Meeting Announcement 9-04.doc