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[RPRWG] IPoRPR initial draft

Title: IPoRPR initial draft


The first draft of the IPoRPR basic mapping is attached.

This version is slightly different from the IETF officially posted version <draft-ietf-iporpr-basic-00.txt> -- there are some minor corrections to tables 2 & 3.  As a result, I'd prefer the group reviews this version.

Note that the primary review mechanism to submit comments to the IETF IPoRPR mailing list -- and you must be a member to post (and get past the spam filter :-).

There is currently no plan for an IPoRPR WG meeting at IETF 63 in Paris. 

However, there is agenda time at the IEEE 802.17 meeting in San Francisco next week to discuss this draft. 


<<draft-ietf-iporpr-basic-00a.html>> <<draft-ietf-iporpr-basic-00a.txt>>

Title: Mapping of IP/MPLS Packets into IEEE 802.17 (Resilient Packet Ring) Networks
IPoRPR Working GroupM. Holness
Internet-DraftG. Parsons
Expires: January 12, 2006Nortel
 July 11, 2005

Mapping of IP/MPLS Packets into IEEE 802.17 (Resilient Packet Ring) Networks


Status of this Memo

By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as “work in progress.”

The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

This Internet-Draft will expire on January 12, 2006.

Copyright Notice

Copyright © The Internet Society (2005).


This document specifies a basic standard method of encapsulating IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS datagrams into IEEE 802.17 Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) datagrams.

Conventions used in this document

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 (Bradner, S., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirements Levels,” March 1997.)[1].

The term "Higher Layer" refers to IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS when they act as clients of the IEEE 802.17 network.

"IP" refers to both IPv4 and IPv6. The terms "IPv4" and "IPv6" are used only when a specific version of IP is meant.

1. IEEE 802.17

This section gives a brief introduction to the IEEE 802.17 protocol. The intent is to provide information needed to understand the rest of this document. This section is SHALL NOT be used as a definitive description of IEEE 802.17 (, “Resilient Packet Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications - medium access control parameters, physical layer interface, and management parameters,” July 2004.)[2].

IEEE 802.17 SHALL be consulted for specific details on the functionality. Section 5 contains a ~30 page overview of the ~700 page specification. Details on the MAC service is contains in section 6.

1.1 Overview of IEEE 802.17

IEEE 802.17 is a dual, counter-rotating, ring network technology with destination stripping. In the event of a fault (such as a fiber cut) the stations on each side of the fault can continue to function by wrapping the ring and/or by steering away from the fault and towards the operational path. When the fault clears, the ring reverts to normal operation.

The ring is composed of two ringlets, called ringlet0 and ringlet1.

A station may transmit a frame in either direction around the ring. IEEE 802.17 includes MAC-level protocols to determine the "best" path to each destination. The determination of "best" may be by any of several algorithms, including shortest path. Normally, the 802.17 MAC layer will automatically send frames via the "best" path. Alternatively, higher layers (such as IP) may explicitly specify the ringlet to use.

All stations on the ring have 48-bit IEEE 802 addresses.

IEEE 802.17 is a media-independent network protocol that is layered over several different physical media. SONET/SDH, Gigabit Ethernet and 10-Gigabit Ethernet are currently specified. The higher layers are shielded from any media dependencies.

There are fairness and bandwidth-management elements. There are three service classes: Class A provides low delay and low delay variation, class B has committed and excess bandwidth components, and class C is best-effort.

There are several frame types, one of which is a data frame. The data frame contains a payload (such as an IPv4, IPv6, or MPLS packet). The type of the payload is indicated by a 2-byte type field. The type-field is identical to the type field in IEEE 802.3 Ethernet.

There is a TTL in the IEEE 802.17 frame headers. This TTL is used to prevent frames from infinitely looping.

1.2 IEEE 802.17 MAC Service

The IEEE 802.17 MAC Service Definition defines the MA_DATA.request primitive which a station uses to transmit data (see section 6.4.1 of [2] (, “Resilient Packet Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications - medium access control parameters, physical layer interface, and management parameters,” July 2004.)). This primitive takes several Parameters (only three of which are mandatory):

source_address optional
frame_check_sequence optional
ringlet_id optional
mac_protection optional
mark_fe optional
strict_order optional
destination_address_extended optional
source_address_extended optional
flooding_form optional

1.2.1 IEEE 802.17 Addressing

The Destination Address (DA) [destination_address] is the 48-bit MAC address of the destination station. This may be a multicast or broadcast address. This address is an IEEE 802 address. This is a required parameter.

The Source Address (SA) [source_address] is the 48-bit MAC address of the source station. This address is an IEEE 802 address. This is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the MAC uses the source address that is assigned to the station.

1.2.2 IEEE 802.17 Payload

The MAC SDU [mac_service_data_unit] is the RPR payload. It includes the entire IP/MPLS packet prefaced with the Ethertype field. This is a required parameter. .

1.2.3 IEEE 802.17 Service Classes

One of the key features of RPR that can distinguish it from other network interconnects, is it ability to support multiple service qualities. Per service quality flow control protocols regulate traffic introduced by clients. The list of supported service classes are listed below:

Class a:
Class A services provides an allocated, guaranteed data rate, and low end-to-end delay and jitter bound. Class A traffic is allocated with a committed information rate (CIR). Traffic above the allocated rate is rejected. Class A traffic has precedence over class B and class C traffic at the ingress to the ring. This class is well suited for real time applications.
Class b:
Class B services provides an allocated, guaranteed data rate, and bounded end-to-end delay and jitter for the traffic within the allocated rate. Class B also provides access to additional best effort data transmission that is not allocated, guaranteed, or bounded. Class B traffic is allocated with a CIR component. Any class B traffic amount beyond the allocated CIR is referred to as excess information rate (EIR) class B traffic. Class B traffic (including class B EIR) has precedence over class C traffic at the ingress to the ring.
Class c:
Class C services provides a best-effort traffic service with non allocated or guaranteed data rate, and no bounds on end-to-end delay or jitter. Class C traffic has the lowest precedence for ingress to the ring. Both class B EIR and class C traffic is governed by the RPR fairness algorithm which ensures proper partitioning of opportunistic traffic over the ring. This class is well suited for best effort applications. The RPR datagram carries the priority (i.e., service class) of the traffic being transported within a sc (service class) field found within the baseControl field of the RPR header.

The RPR sc is a 2-bit field. The values are shown in Table 1 below.

         |  Value   |      Name      |
         |    00    |    CLASS_C     |
         |    01    |    CLASS_B     |
         |    10    |    CLASS_A1    |
         |    11    |    CLASS_A0    |

Table 1: sc values

1.2.4 IEEE 802.17 Fairness

The RPR fairness algorithm ensures proper partitioning of opportunistic traffic over the ring and governs class B EIR and class C traffic. The RPR datagram conveys the application of the fairness algorithm on the datagram by the value of the fairness eligible (fe) field, found in the baseControl field of the RPR header.

The fe (fairness eligible) bit marks whether the frame is subject to the fairness algorithm. A value of 0 indicates that the frame is not fairness eligible, while a value of 1 indicates that the frame is fairness eligible.

2. General Mapping Details

This section covers issues that are common to IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS.

2.1 IEEE 802.17 MAC Service Parameters

When transmitting an IP or MPLS packet, a host or router indicates various parameters to the IEEE 802.17 MAC layer (see section 6.4 of [2] (, “Resilient Packet Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications - medium access control parameters, physical layer interface, and management parameters,” July 2004.)). This section specifies how those parameters are to be used:

2.1.1 Destination_address

Is the 48-bit MAC address of the 802.17 station to which the packet is being transmitted.

2.1.2 Source_address

The source_address SHOULD be the address assigned to the station that is transmitting the packet. Per [2] (, “Resilient Packet Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications - medium access control parameters, physical layer interface, and management parameters,” July 2004.) if the client omits this parameter then the MAC inserts the correct address.

2.1.3 mac_service_data_unit

This is the payload, including the Ethernet type field. See "Protocol Type Field" (Protocol Type Field), for more information.

2.1.4  frame_check_sequence

The MAC will calculate the FCS

2.1.5  serviceClass

Specific service class mapping from DSCP and EXP within the client payload SHOULD be used to determine the RPR service class. These mappings are shown in Section 3.2 (IP Differentiated Service (DSCP) Mapping to RPR) and Section 5.1 (MPLS EXP bit Mapping to RPR).

2.1.6  Ringlet_id

The client SHOULD NOT specify the ringletID. The MAC will use its default algorithm to select a ringlet.

2.1.7  mac_protection

This is set by the MAC to indicate if RPR protection is used for the frame.

2.1.8  mark_fe

This parameter SHOULD NOT be specified unless the RPR service class is CLASS B as indicated from the mappings in Section 3.2 (IP Differentiated Service (DSCP) Mapping to RPR) and Section 5.1 (MPLS EXP bit Mapping to RPR).

2.1.9  strict_order

This parameter SHOULD NOT be specified. The IEEE 802.17 MAC will then use its default treatment.

2.1.10  destination_address_extended

This parameter SHOULD NOT be specified. The IEEE 802.17 MAC will populate if necessary.

2.1.11  source_address_extended

This parameter SHOULD NOT be specified. The IEEE 802.17 MAC will populate if necessary.

2.1.12 flooding_form

This parameter SHOULD NOT be specified. The IEEE 802.17 MAC will populate if necessary.

2.2 Protocol Type Field

The 16-bit protocol type field (or Ethertype) is set to a value to indicate the payloads protocol. The values for IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS are:

0x0800 If the payload contains an IPv4 packet.
0x0806 If the payload contains an ARP packet.
0x86DD If the payload contains an IPv6 packet.
0x8847 If the payload contains a MPLS Unicast packet.
0x8848 if the payload contains a MPLS Multicast packet.
0x8100 if the payload contains an Ethernet VLAN/Priority tagged packet.

2.3 Payload

The payload contains the IPv4, IPv6, or MPLS packet. The first byte of the IPv4 header, IPv6 header, or top MPLS label begins immediately after the 802.17 headers.

Note that in 802.17 there is no minimum size for frames carried over Ethernet physical layers, thus there is no need to pad frames that are shorter than the minimum size. However, the robustness principle dictates that nodes be able to handle frames that are padded.

Like 802.3 Ethernet, 802.17 defines the maximum regular frame payload as 1500 bytes. Note that a maximum jumbo frame payload size that MAY be supported is defined at 9100 bytes.

2.4 Byte Order

As described in "APPENDIX B: Data Transmission Order" of RFC 791 (Postel, J., “Internet Protocol,” September 1981.)[3], IP and MPLS datagrams are transmitted over the IEEE 802.17 network as a series of 8-bit bytes in "big endian" order. This is the same byte order as used for Ethernet.

2.5 Trailer Format

Trailer encapsulation is NOT specified for IEEE 802.17 networks.

2.6 Ringlet and Direction Selection

IEEE 802.17 allows the Higher Layer to select the direction around the ring that traffic is to go. If the Higher Layer does not make the selection then the IEEE 802.17 MAC makes the decision. Ringlet and Direction selection are left to the MAC. The advanced version of this specification may change this.

2.7 Higher Layer TTL and Ring TTL

There is no correlation or interaction between the Higher Layer TTL and the IEEE 802.17 TTL.

3. IPv4 Specific Mapping Details

3.1 Address Resolution

ARP (Plummer, D., “An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol,” November 1982.)[4] is used to map IPv4 addresses to the appropriate MAC address. The "Hardware Address Space" parameter (ar$hrd) used for IEEE 802.17 networks is TBD. ARP parameter assignments may be found at IANA.

3.1.1 Editor's Notes

The hardware type is to be allocated by IANA prior to publication.

We could overload the Ethernet (1) or IEEE 802 (6) hardware type value since 802.17 addresses are the same size and format as Ethernet addresses. However, it is not inconceivable that overloading this value may turn out to have unforeseen undesired consequences. As we are not in any danger of running out of ARP hardware codes, we'll get an 802.17-specific one.

3.2 IP Differentiated Service (DSCP) Mapping to RPR

The Differentiated Service (DS) field of the IPv4 and IPv6 frame can be used to convey service priority. The format of the IP DS field is shown in Figure 1 below.

   |  0  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |
   |               DSCP                |    ECN    |

Figure 1: Differentiated Services Field

The DSCP field denotes the differentiated services codepoint. The DSCP is used to select the per hop behavior a packet experiences at each network node. As per [6] (Nichols, K., “Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers.,” December 1998.), [7] (Heinanen, J., “Assured Forwarding PHB Group.,” June 1999.), [8] (Jacobson, V., “An Expedited Forwarding PHB Group.,” June 1999.) and [9] (Babiarz, J., “Configuration Guidelines for Diffserv Service Classes,” June 2005.), the DSCP field description is illustrated in Table 2.

    |  IP Service Class   |   DSCP   | Per Hop Behaviour |
    |      Standard       |  000000  | Default Forwarding|
    |  Low Priority Data  |  001000  | Class Selector 1  |
    |   High Throughput   |  001010  |      AF11         |
    |        Data         |  001100  |      AF12         |
    |                     |  001100  |      AF13         |
    |        OAM          |  010000  | Class Selector 2  |
    |                     |  010010  |      AF21         |
    |  Low Latency Data   |  010100  |      AF22         |
    |                     |  010110  |      AF23         |
    |  Broadcast Video    |  011000  | Class Selector 3  |
    |    Multimedia       |  011010  |      AF31         |
    |      Streaming      |  011100  |      AF32         |
    |                     |  011110  |      AF33         |
    |Real-time Interactive|  100000  | Class Selector 4  |
    |    Multimedia       |  100010  |      AF41         |
    |    Conferencing     |  100100  |      AF42         |
    |                     |  100110  |      AF43         |
    |    Signaling        |  101000  | Class Selector 5  |
    |    Telephony        |  101110  |      EF           |
    |   Network Control   |  110000  | Class Selector 6  |
    |       Reserved      |  111000  | Class Selector 7  |
    |    for future use   |          |                   |

Table 2: DSCP Field Definition

The best effort DSCP group denotes a best effort service.

The Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB groups are a means for a provider DS domain to offer different levels of forwarding assurances for IP packets received from a customer DS domain. In case of congestion, the drop precedence of a packet determines the relative importance of the packet within the AF class. A congested DS node tries to protect packets with a lower drop precedence value from being lost by preferably discarding packets with a higher drop precedence value.

The Expedited Forwarding (EF) PHB group is used to build a low loss, low latency, low jitter, assured bandwidth, end-to-end service through DS domains.

The Class Selector PHBs are to provide limited backwards capability for IP precedence.

The mapping between IP DSCP to RPR header service class relevant fields are shown in Table 3. Note that four treatment aggregates are used as suggested by [10] (Chan, K., “Aggregation of Diffserv Service Classes.,” February 2005.).

    |   DSCP   | RPR Service Class | RPR sc |   RPR fe      |
    |  000000  |     Class C       |   00   |       1       |
    |  001000  |                   |        |               |
    |  001010  |                   |        | 0-Class B CIR |
    |          |                   |        |---------------|
    |  001100  |                   |        | 1-Class B EIR |
    |  001110  |                   |        |               |
    |----------|                   |        |---------------|
    |  010000  |                   |        | 0-Class B CIR |
    |----------|     Class B       |        |---------------|
    |  010010  |                   |        |               |
    |  010100  |                   |        | 1-Class B EIR |
    |  010110  |                   |        |               |
    |----------|                   |        |---------------|
    |  011010  |                   |        | 0-Class B CIR |
    |          |                   |        |---------------|
    |  011100  |                   |        | 1-Class B EIR |
    |  011110  |                   |        |               |
    |  011000  |                   |        |               |
    |----------|                   |        |               |
    |  100000  |     Class A0      |   11   |               |
    |----------|                   |        |               |
    |  100010  |                   |        |               |
    |  100100  |        or         |   or   |       0       |
    |  100110  |                   |        |               |
    |----------|                   |        |               |
    |  101000  |     Class A1      |   10   |               |
    |----------|                   |        |               |
    |  101110  |                   |        |               |
    |          |     Class A0      |   11   |               |
    |  110000  |        or         |   or   |       0       |
    |          |     Class A1      |   10   |               |

Table 3: IP DSCP to RPR Header Mapping

Internal to the RPR MAC, Class A traffic is partitioned into two sub classes: Class A0 and Class A1. This partitioning is done in order to increase the ability of the ring to reclaim unused Class A traffic. The RPR MAC is configured for a total Class A amount, from which it determines how much is Class A0 and ClassA1. The division of Class A is based on ring circumference and the size of internal transit queues. The reclaimable bandwidth allocated to Class A1 can be reclaimed by traffic of Class B-EIR and Class C when not being used by the station originating the Class A traffic being reclaimed.

Services marked with a DF and CS1 DSCP do not have a small amount of assured bandwidth component. That is, it only has an EIR component. Services marked with AF1x, AF2x, AF3x, AF4x and CS2 DSCPs have an aggregate CIR and EIR component. Services marked with CS3, CS4, CS5 and EF DSCPs only have a CIR component. Routing traffic marked with CS6 DSCP class also only has a CIR component. As CS7 is for future use, no mapping is provided.

As per [11] (Ramakrishnan, K., “The Addition of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP,” September 2001.), bits 6 and 7 of the DS field can be defined to be the Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) field. The coding of the ECN does not influence the mappings to the RPR service class relevant fields (listed in Table 3).

4. IPv6 Specific Details

Transport of IPv6 packets over IEEE 802.17 networks is designed to be as similar to IPv6 over Ethernet as possible. The intent is to minimize time and risk in developing both the standard and the implementations.

4.1 Stateless Autoconfiguration

IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration follows the rules and procedures in section 4 of RFC 2464 (Crawford, ., “Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks,” December 1998.)[5].

4.2 Link Local Address

IPv6 link-local addresses follow the rules and procedures in section 5 of RFC 2464 (Crawford, ., “Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks,” December 1998.)[5].

4.3 Unicast Address Mappings

IPv6 unicast address mappings follow the rules and procedures in section 6 of RFC 2464 (Crawford, ., “Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks,” December 1998.)[5].

4.4 Multicast Address Mappings

IPv6 multicast address mappings follow the rules and procedures in section 7 of RFC 2464 (Crawford, ., “Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks,” December 1998.)[5].

4.5 Diffserv mapping

The mapping is as specified in Section 3.2 (IP Differentiated Service (DSCP) Mapping to RPR)

5. MPLS Specific Details

Transport of MPLS packets over IEEE 802.17 follows RFC 3032 (Rosen, E., “MPLS Label Stack Encoding,” January 2001.)[12]. As with IPv6, the intent is to allow the IEEE 802.17 network to be treated as a simple Ethernet LAN.

5.1 MPLS EXP bit Mapping to RPR

MPLS support for DiffServ is defined in RFC 3270 (Le Faucheur, F., “Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Support of Differentiated Services,” May 2002.)[13]. The MPLS shim header is illustrated in Figure 2 below.

      |             20             |    3    |  1  |       8       |
      |            Label           |   EXP   |  S  |      TTL      |

Figure 2: MPLS shim

The EXP bits define the PHB. However [12] (Rosen, E., “MPLS Label Stack Encoding,” January 2001.)does not recommend specific EXP values for DiffServ PHB (e.g., EF, AF, DF).

5.1.1 MPLS EXP PHB Mapping to RPR

The mapping between MPLS EXP bits to RPR header service class relevant fields are shown in Table 4. Note that four treatment aggregates are used as suggested by [10] (Chan, K., “Aggregation of Diffserv Service Classes.,” February 2005.).

    |   MPLS EXP  | RPR Service Class | RPR sc |   RPR fe      |
    |     000     |     Class C       |   00   |       1       |
    |     001     |                   |        |               |
    |     010     |     Class B       |   01   | 0-Class B CIR |
    |     011     |                   |        | 1-Class B EIR |
    |     100     |     Class A0      |   11   |               |
    |             |        or         |   or   |       0       |
    |101(reserved)|     Class A1      |   10   |               |
    |     110     |     Class A0      |   11   |               |
    |             |        or         |   or   |       0       |
    |111(reserved)|     Class A1      |   10   |               |

Table 4: MPLS EXP to RPR Header Mapping

6. Ethernet Specific Details

Encapsulation of Ethernet packets over IEEE 802.17 is fairly simple since they are both 802 MACs and can be either transparently mapped or bridged.

Details of address translation, priority mappings and learning are fully described in IEEE 802.17 (, “Resilient Packet Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications - medium access control parameters, physical layer interface, and management parameters,” July 2004.)[2], IEEE 802.17a (, “Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges - Amendment 1: Bridging of 802.17,” October 2004.)[14], and IEEE 802.17b (, “Resilient Packet Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications - Amendment 1: Spatially Aware Sublayer,” .)[15]

7. Security Considerations

This specification provides no security measures. In particular:

  1. Masquerading and spoofing are possible. There is no strong authentication.
  2. Traffic analysis and snooping is possible since no encryption is provided, either by this specification or by IEEE 802.17
  3. Limited denial of Service attacks are possible by, eg, flooding the IEEE 802.17 network with ARP broadcasts. These attacks are limited to other class-C (best effort) traffic.
  4. Attacks against the IEEE 802.17 ring management protocols are possible by stations that are directly connected to the ring. We note that all of these vulnerabilities exist today for transport of IP and MPLS over Ethernet networks.

8. IANA Considerations

A new ARP codepoint is to be assigned by IANA per Section 3.1 (Address Resolution)

9. Acknowledgements

The authors acknowledge and appreciate the work and comments of the IETF IPoRPR working group and the IEEE 802.17 working group.

10. References

[1] Bradner, S., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirements Levels,” RFC 2119, BCP 14, March 1997.
[2] Resilient Packet Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications - medium access control parameters, physical layer interface, and management parameters,” IEEE 802.17-2004, July 2004.
[3] Postel, J., “Internet Protocol,” RFC 791, September 1981.
[4] Plummer, D., “An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol,” RFC 826, November 1982.
[5] Crawford, ., “Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks,” RFC 2464, December 1998.
[6] Nichols, K., “Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers.,” RFC 2474, December 1998.
[7] Heinanen, J., “Assured Forwarding PHB Group.,” RFC 2597, June 1999.
[8] Jacobson, V., “An Expedited Forwarding PHB Group.,” RFC 2598, June 1999.
[9] Babiarz, J., “Configuration Guidelines for Diffserv Service Classes,” draft-ietf-tsvwg-diffserv-service-classes-00 (work in progress), June 2005.
[10] Chan, K., “Aggregation of Diffserv Service Classes.,” draft-chan-tsvwg-diffserv-class-aggr-01 (work in progress), February 2005.
[11] Ramakrishnan, K., “The Addition of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP,” RFC 3168, September 2001.
[12] Rosen, E., “MPLS Label Stack Encoding,” RFC 3032, January 2001.
[13] Le Faucheur, F., “Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Support of Differentiated Services,” RFC 3270, May 2002.
[14] Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges - Amendment 1: Bridging of 802.17,” IEEE 802.17a-2004, October 2004.
[15] Resilient Packet Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications - Amendment 1: Spatially Aware Sublayer,” IEEE P802.17b.

Authors' Addresses

  Marc Holness
  3500 Carling Avenue
  Ottawa, ON K2H 8E9
Phone:  +1 613 765 2840
  Glenn Parsons
  3500 Carling Avenue
  Ottawa, ON K2H 8E9
Phone:  +1 613 763 7582

Intellectual Property Statement

Disclaimer of Validity

Copyright Statement


IPoRPR Working Group                                          M. Holness
Internet-Draft                                                G. Parsons
Expires: January 12, 2006                                         Nortel
                                                           July 11, 2005

  Mapping of IP/MPLS Packets into IEEE 802.17 (Resilient Packet Ring)

Status of this Memo

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
   applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
   have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
   aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

   This Internet-Draft will expire on January 12, 2006.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


   This document specifies a basic standard method of encapsulating
   IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS datagrams into IEEE 802.17 Resilient Packet Ring
   (RPR) datagrams.

Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",

Holness & Parsons       Expires January 12, 2006                [Page 1]
Internet-Draft                   IPoRPR                        July 2005

   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [1].

   The term "Higher Layer" refers to IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS when they act
   as clients of the IEEE 802.17 network.

   "IP" refers to both IPv4 and IPv6.  The terms "IPv4" and "IPv6" are
   used only when a specific version of IP is meant.

Holness & Parsons       Expires January 12, 2006                [Page 2]
Internet-Draft                   IPoRPR                        July 2005

1.  IEEE 802.17

   This section gives a brief introduction to the IEEE 802.17 protocol.
   The intent is to provide information needed to understand the rest of
   this document.  This section is SHALL NOT be used as a definitive
   description of IEEE 802.17 [2].

   IEEE 802.17 SHALL be consulted for specific details on the
   functionality.  Section 5 contains a ~30 page overview of the ~700
   page specification.  Details on the MAC service is contains in
   section 6.

1.1  Overview of IEEE 802.17

   IEEE 802.17 is a dual, counter-rotating, ring network technology with
   destination stripping.  In the event of a fault (such as a fiber cut)
   the stations on each side of the fault can continue to function by
   wrapping the ring and/or by steering away from the fault and towards
   the operational path.  When the fault clears, the ring reverts to
   normal operation.

   The ring is composed of two ringlets, called ringlet0 and ringlet1.

   A station may transmit a frame in either direction around the ring.
   IEEE 802.17 includes MAC-level protocols to determine the "best" path
   to each destination.  The determination of "best" may be by any of
   several algorithms, including shortest path.  Normally, the 802.17
   MAC layer will automatically send frames via the "best" path.
   Alternatively, higher layers (such as IP) may explicitly specify the
   ringlet to use.

   All stations on the ring have 48-bit IEEE 802 addresses.

   IEEE 802.17 is a media-independent network protocol that is layered
   over several different physical media.  SONET/SDH, Gigabit Ethernet
   and 10-Gigabit Ethernet are currently specified.  The higher layers
   are shielded from any media dependencies.

   There are fairness and bandwidth-management elements.  There are
   three service classes: Class A provides low delay and low delay
   variation, class B has committed and excess bandwidth components, and
   class C is best-effort.

   There are several frame types, one of which is a data frame.  The
   data frame contains a payload (such as an IPv4, IPv6, or MPLS
   packet).  The type of the payload is indicated by a 2-byte type
   field.  The type-field is identical to the type field in IEEE 802.3

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   There is a TTL in the IEEE 802.17 frame headers.  This TTL is used to
   prevent frames from infinitely looping.

1.2  IEEE 802.17 MAC Service

   The IEEE 802.17 MAC Service Definition defines the MA_DATA.request
   primitive which a station uses to transmit data (see section 6.4.1 of
   [2]).  This primitive takes several Parameters (only three of which
   are mandatory):


      source_address optional


      frame_check_sequence optional


      ringlet_id optional

      mac_protection optional

      mark_fe optional

      strict_order optional

      destination_address_extended optional

      source_address_extended optional

      flooding_form optional

1.2.1  IEEE 802.17 Addressing

   The Destination Address (DA) [destination_address] is the 48-bit MAC
   address of the destination station.  This may be a multicast or
   broadcast address.  This address is an IEEE 802 address.  This is a
   required parameter.

   The Source Address (SA) [source_address] is the 48-bit MAC address of
   the source station.  This address is an IEEE 802 address.  This is an
   optional parameter.  If it is omitted, the MAC uses the source
   address that is assigned to the station.

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1.2.2  IEEE 802.17 Payload

   The MAC SDU [mac_service_data_unit] is the RPR payload.  It includes
   the entire IP/MPLS packet prefaced with the Ethertype field.  This is
   a required parameter. .

1.2.3  IEEE 802.17 Service Classes

   One of the key features of RPR that can distinguish it from other
   network interconnects, is it ability to support multiple service
   qualities.  Per service quality flow control protocols regulate
   traffic introduced by clients.  The list of supported service classes
   are listed below:

   Class a: Class A services provides an allocated, guaranteed data
            rate, and low end-to-end delay and jitter bound.  Class A
            traffic is allocated with a committed information rate
            (CIR).  Traffic above the allocated rate is rejected.  Class
            A traffic has precedence over class B and class C traffic at
            the ingress to the ring.  This class is well suited for real
            time applications.

   Class b: Class B services provides an allocated, guaranteed data
            rate, and bounded end-to-end delay and jitter for the
            traffic within the allocated rate.  Class B also provides
            access to additional best effort data transmission that is
            not allocated, guaranteed, or bounded.  Class B traffic is
            allocated with a CIR component.  Any class B traffic amount
            beyond the allocated CIR is referred to as excess
            information rate (EIR) class B traffic.  Class B traffic
            (including class B EIR) has precedence over class C traffic
            at the ingress to the ring.

   Class c: Class C services provides a best-effort traffic service with
            non allocated or guaranteed data rate, and no bounds on end-
            to-end delay or jitter.  Class C traffic has the lowest
            precedence for ingress to the ring.  Both class B EIR and
            class C traffic is governed by the RPR fairness algorithm
            which ensures proper partitioning of opportunistic traffic
            over the ring.  This class is well suited for best effort
            applications.  The RPR datagram carries the priority (i.e.,
            service class) of the traffic being transported within a sc
            (service class) field found within the baseControl field of
            the RPR header.

   The RPR sc is a 2-bit field.  The values are shown in Table 1 below.

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            |  Value   |      Name      |
            |    00    |    CLASS_C     |
            |    01    |    CLASS_B     |
            |    10    |    CLASS_A1    |
            |    11    |    CLASS_A0    |

   Table 1: sc values

1.2.4  IEEE 802.17 Fairness

   The RPR fairness algorithm ensures proper partitioning of
   opportunistic traffic over the ring and governs class B EIR and class
   C traffic.  The RPR datagram conveys the application of the fairness
   algorithm on the datagram by the value of the fairness eligible (fe)
   field, found in the baseControl field of the RPR header.

   The fe (fairness eligible) bit marks whether the frame is subject to
   the fairness algorithm.  A value of 0 indicates that the frame is not
   fairness eligible, while a value of 1 indicates that the frame is
   fairness eligible.

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2.  General Mapping Details

   This section covers issues that are common to IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS.

2.1  IEEE 802.17 MAC Service Parameters

   When transmitting an IP or MPLS packet, a host or router indicates
   various parameters to the IEEE 802.17 MAC layer (see section 6.4 of
   [2]).  This section specifies how those parameters are to be used:

2.1.1  Destination_address

   Is the 48-bit MAC address of the 802.17 station to which the packet
   is being transmitted.

2.1.2  Source_address

   The source_address SHOULD be the address assigned to the station that
   is transmitting the packet.  Per [2] if the client omits this
   parameter then the MAC inserts the correct address.

2.1.3  mac_service_data_unit

   This is the payload, including the Ethernet type field.  See
   "Protocol Type Field" (Section 2.2), for more information.

2.1.4   frame_check_sequence

   The MAC will calculate the FCS

2.1.5   serviceClass

   Specific service class mapping from DSCP and EXP within the client
   payload SHOULD be used to determine the RPR service class.  These
   mappings are shown in Section 3.2 and Section 5.1.

2.1.6   Ringlet_id

   The client SHOULD NOT specify the ringletID.  The MAC will use its
   default algorithm to select a ringlet.

2.1.7   mac_protection

   This is set by the MAC to indicate if RPR protection is used for the

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2.1.8   mark_fe

   This parameter SHOULD NOT be specified unless the RPR service class
   is CLASS B as indicated from the mappings in Section 3.2 and
   Section 5.1.

2.1.9   strict_order

   This parameter SHOULD NOT be specified.  The IEEE 802.17 MAC will
   then use its default treatment.

2.1.10   destination_address_extended

   This parameter SHOULD NOT be specified.  The IEEE 802.17 MAC will
   populate if necessary.

2.1.11   source_address_extended

   This parameter SHOULD NOT be specified.  The IEEE 802.17 MAC will
   populate if necessary.

2.1.12  flooding_form

   This parameter SHOULD NOT be specified.  The IEEE 802.17 MAC will
   populate if necessary.

2.2  Protocol Type Field

   The 16-bit protocol type field (or Ethertype) is set to a value to
   indicate the payloads protocol.  The values for IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS

      0x0800 If the payload contains an IPv4 packet.

      0x0806 If the payload contains an ARP packet.

      0x86DD If the payload contains an IPv6 packet.

      0x8847 If the payload contains a MPLS Unicast packet.

      0x8848 if the payload contains a MPLS Multicast packet.

      0x8100 if the payload contains an Ethernet VLAN/Priority tagged

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2.3  Payload

   The payload contains the IPv4, IPv6, or MPLS packet.  The first byte
   of the IPv4 header, IPv6 header, or top MPLS label begins immediately
   after the 802.17 headers.

   Note that in 802.17 there is no minimum size for frames carried over
   Ethernet physical layers, thus there is no need to pad frames that
   are shorter than the minimum size.  However, the robustness principle
   dictates that nodes be able to handle frames that are padded.

   Like 802.3 Ethernet, 802.17 defines the maximum regular frame payload
   as 1500 bytes.  Note that a maximum jumbo frame payload size that MAY
   be supported is defined at 9100 bytes.

2.4  Byte Order

   As described in "APPENDIX B: Data Transmission Order" of RFC 791 [3],
   IP and MPLS datagrams are transmitted over the IEEE 802.17 network as
   a series of 8-bit bytes in "big endian" order.  This is the same byte
   order as used for Ethernet.

2.5  Trailer Format

   Trailer encapsulation is NOT specified for IEEE 802.17 networks.

2.6  Ringlet and Direction Selection

   IEEE 802.17 allows the Higher Layer to select the direction around
   the ring that traffic is to go.  If the Higher Layer does not make
   the selection then the IEEE 802.17 MAC makes the decision.  Ringlet
   and Direction selection are left to the MAC.  The advanced version of
   this specification may change this.

2.7  Higher Layer TTL and Ring TTL

   There is no correlation or interaction between the Higher Layer TTL
   and the IEEE 802.17 TTL.

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3.  IPv4 Specific Mapping Details

3.1  Address Resolution

   ARP [4] is used to map IPv4 addresses to the appropriate MAC address.
   The "Hardware Address Space" parameter (ar$hrd) used for IEEE 802.17
   networks is TBD.  ARP parameter assignments may be found at IANA.

3.1.1  Editor's Notes

   The hardware type is to be allocated by IANA prior to publication.

   We could overload the Ethernet (1) or IEEE 802 (6) hardware type
   value since 802.17 addresses are the same size and format as Ethernet
   addresses.  However, it is not inconceivable that overloading this
   value may turn out to have unforeseen undesired consequences.  As we
   are not in any danger of running out of ARP hardware codes, we'll get
   an 802.17-specific one.

3.2  IP Differentiated Service (DSCP) Mapping to RPR

   The Differentiated Service (DS) field of the IPv4 and IPv6 frame can
   be used to convey service priority.  The format of the IP DS field is
   shown in Figure 1 below.

      |  0  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |
      |               DSCP                |    ECN    |

   Figure 1: Differentiated Services Field

   The DSCP field denotes the differentiated services codepoint.  The
   DSCP is used to select the per hop behavior a packet experiences at
   each network node.  As per [6], [7], [8] and [9], the DSCP field
   description is illustrated in Table 2.

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       |  IP Service Class   |   DSCP   | Per Hop Behaviour |
       |      Standard       |  000000  | Default Forwarding|
       |  Low Priority Data  |  001000  | Class Selector 1  |
       |   High Throughput   |  001010  |      AF11         |
       |        Data         |  001100  |      AF12         |
       |                     |  001100  |      AF13         |
       |        OAM          |  010000  | Class Selector 2  |
       |                     |  010010  |      AF21         |
       |  Low Latency Data   |  010100  |      AF22         |
       |                     |  010110  |      AF23         |
       |  Broadcast Video    |  011000  | Class Selector 3  |
       |    Multimedia       |  011010  |      AF31         |
       |      Streaming      |  011100  |      AF32         |
       |                     |  011110  |      AF33         |
       |Real-time Interactive|  100000  | Class Selector 4  |
       |    Multimedia       |  100010  |      AF41         |
       |    Conferencing     |  100100  |      AF42         |
       |                     |  100110  |      AF43         |
       |    Signaling        |  101000  | Class Selector 5  |
       |    Telephony        |  101110  |      EF           |
       |   Network Control   |  110000  | Class Selector 6  |
       |       Reserved      |  111000  | Class Selector 7  |
       |    for future use   |          |                   |

   Table 2: DSCP Field Definition

   The best effort DSCP group denotes a best effort service.

   The Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB groups are a means for a provider DS
   domain to offer different levels of forwarding assurances for IP
   packets received from a customer DS domain.  In case of congestion,
   the drop precedence of a packet determines the relative importance of

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   the packet within the AF class.  A congested DS node tries to protect
   packets with a lower drop precedence value from being lost by
   preferably discarding packets with a higher drop precedence value.

   The Expedited Forwarding (EF) PHB group is used to build a low loss,
   low latency, low jitter, assured bandwidth, end-to-end service
   through DS domains.

   The Class Selector PHBs are to provide limited backwards capability
   for IP precedence.

   The mapping between IP DSCP to RPR header service class relevant
   fields are shown in Table 3.  Note that four treatment aggregates are
   used as suggested by [10].

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       |   DSCP   | RPR Service Class | RPR sc |   RPR fe      |
       |  000000  |     Class C       |   00   |       1       |
       |  001000  |                   |        |               |
       |  001010  |                   |        | 0-Class B CIR |
       |          |                   |        |---------------|
       |  001100  |                   |        | 1-Class B EIR |
       |  001110  |                   |        |               |
       |----------|                   |        |---------------|
       |  010000  |                   |        | 0-Class B CIR |
       |----------|     Class B       |        |---------------|
       |  010010  |                   |        |               |
       |  010100  |                   |        | 1-Class B EIR |
       |  010110  |                   |        |               |
       |----------|                   |        |---------------|
       |  011010  |                   |        | 0-Class B CIR |
       |          |                   |        |---------------|
       |  011100  |                   |        | 1-Class B EIR |
       |  011110  |                   |        |               |
       |  011000  |                   |        |               |
       |----------|                   |        |               |
       |  100000  |     Class A0      |   11   |               |
       |----------|                   |        |               |
       |  100010  |                   |        |               |
       |  100100  |        or         |   or   |       0       |
       |  100110  |                   |        |               |
       |----------|                   |        |               |
       |  101000  |     Class A1      |   10   |               |
       |----------|                   |        |               |
       |  101110  |                   |        |               |
       |          |     Class A0      |   11   |               |
       |  110000  |        or         |   or   |       0       |
       |          |     Class A1      |   10   |               |

   Table 3: IP DSCP to RPR Header Mapping

   Internal to the RPR MAC, Class A traffic is partitioned into two sub
   classes: Class A0 and Class A1.  This partitioning is done in order
   to increase the ability of the ring to reclaim unused Class A
   traffic.  The RPR MAC is configured for a total Class A amount, from
   which it determines how much is Class A0 and ClassA1.  The division
   of Class A is based on ring circumference and the size of internal

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   transit queues.  The reclaimable bandwidth allocated to Class A1 can
   be reclaimed by traffic of Class B-EIR and Class C when not being
   used by the station originating the Class A traffic being reclaimed.

   Services marked with a DF and CS1 DSCP do not have a small amount of
   assured bandwidth component.  That is, it only has an EIR component.
   Services marked with AF1x, AF2x, AF3x, AF4x and CS2 DSCPs have an
   aggregate CIR and EIR component.  Services marked with CS3, CS4, CS5
   and EF DSCPs only have a CIR component.  Routing traffic marked with
   CS6 DSCP class also only has a CIR component.  As CS7 is for future
   use, no mapping is provided.

   As per [11], bits 6 and 7 of the DS field can be defined to be the
   Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) field.  The coding of the ECN
   does not influence the mappings to the RPR service class relevant
   fields (listed in Table 3).

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4.  IPv6 Specific Details

   Transport of IPv6 packets over IEEE 802.17 networks is designed to be
   as similar to IPv6 over Ethernet as possible.  The intent is to
   minimize time and risk in developing both the standard and the

4.1  Stateless Autoconfiguration

   IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration follows the rules and procedures in
   section 4 of RFC 2464 [5].

4.2  Link Local Address

   IPv6 link-local addresses follow the rules and procedures in section
   5 of RFC 2464 [5].

4.3  Unicast Address Mappings

   IPv6 unicast address mappings follow the rules and procedures in
   section 6 of RFC 2464 [5].

4.4  Multicast Address Mappings

   IPv6 multicast address mappings follow the rules and procedures in
   section 7 of RFC 2464 [5].

4.5  Diffserv mapping

   The mapping is as specified in Section 3.2

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5.  MPLS Specific Details

   Transport of MPLS packets over IEEE 802.17 follows RFC 3032 [12].  As
   with IPv6, the intent is to allow the IEEE 802.17 network to be
   treated as a simple Ethernet LAN.

5.1  MPLS EXP bit Mapping to RPR

   MPLS support for DiffServ is defined in RFC 3270 [13].  The MPLS shim
   header is illustrated in Figure 2 below.

         |             20             |    3    |  1  |       8       |
         |            Label           |   EXP   |  S  |      TTL      |

   Figure 2: MPLS shim

   The EXP bits define the PHB.  However [12]does not recommend specific
   EXP values for DiffServ PHB (e.g., EF, AF, DF).

5.1.1  MPLS EXP PHB Mapping to RPR

   The mapping between MPLS EXP bits to RPR header service class
   relevant fields are shown in Table 4.  Note that four treatment
   aggregates are used as suggested by [10].

       |   MPLS EXP  | RPR Service Class | RPR sc |   RPR fe      |
       |     000     |     Class C       |   00   |       1       |
       |     001     |                   |        |               |
       |     010     |     Class B       |   01   | 0-Class B CIR |
       |     011     |                   |        | 1-Class B EIR |
       |     100     |     Class A0      |   11   |               |
       |             |        or         |   or   |       0       |
       |101(reserved)|     Class A1      |   10   |               |
       |     110     |     Class A0      |   11   |               |
       |             |        or         |   or   |       0       |
       |111(reserved)|     Class A1      |   10   |               |

   Table 4: MPLS EXP to RPR Header Mapping

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6.  Ethernet Specific Details

   Encapsulation of Ethernet packets over IEEE 802.17 is fairly simple
   since they are both 802 MACs and can be either transparently mapped
   or bridged.

   Details of address translation, priority mappings and learning are
   fully described in IEEE 802.17 [2], IEEE 802.17a [14], and IEEE
   802.17b [15]

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7.  Security Considerations

   This specification provides no security measures.  In particular:

   1.  Masquerading and spoofing are possible.  There is no strong

   2.  Traffic analysis and snooping is possible since no encryption is
       provided, either by this specification or by IEEE 802.17

   3.  Limited denial of Service attacks are possible by, eg, flooding
       the IEEE 802.17 network with ARP broadcasts.  These attacks are
       limited to other class-C (best effort) traffic.

   4.  Attacks against the IEEE 802.17 ring management protocols are
       possible by stations that are directly connected to the ring.  We
       note that all of these vulnerabilities exist today for transport
       of IP and MPLS over Ethernet networks.

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8.  IANA Considerations

   A new ARP codepoint is to be assigned by IANA per Section 3.1

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9.  Acknowledgements

   The authors acknowledge and appreciate the work and comments of the
   IETF IPoRPR working group and the IEEE 802.17 working group.

10.  References

   [1]   Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
         Requirements Levels", RFC 2119, BCP 14, March 1997.

   [2]   "Resilient Packet Ring Access Method and Physical Layer
         Specifications - medium access control parameters, physical
         layer interface, and management parameters", IEEE 802.17-2004,
         July 2004.

   [3]   Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", RFC 791, September 1981.

   [4]   Plummer, D., "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol",
         RFC 826, November 1982.

   [5]   Crawford, ., "Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet
         Networks", RFC 2464, December 1998.

   [6]   Nichols, K., "Definition of the Differentiated Services Field
         (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers.", RFC 2474,
         December 1998.

   [7]   Heinanen, J., "Assured Forwarding PHB Group.", RFC 2597,
         June 1999.

   [8]   Jacobson, V., "An Expedited Forwarding PHB Group.", RFC 2598,
         June 1999.

   [9]   Babiarz, J., "Configuration Guidelines for Diffserv Service
         Classes", draft-ietf-tsvwg-diffserv-service-classes-00 (work in
         progress), June 2005.

   [10]  Chan, K., "Aggregation of Diffserv Service Classes.",
         draft-chan-tsvwg-diffserv-class-aggr-01 (work in progress),
         February 2005.

   [11]  Ramakrishnan, K., "The Addition of Explicit Congestion
         Notification (ECN) to IP", RFC 3168, September 2001.

   [12]  Rosen, E., "MPLS Label Stack Encoding", RFC 3032, January 2001.

   [13]  Le Faucheur, F., "Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Support
         of Differentiated Services", RFC 3270, May 2002.

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   [14]  "Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges - Amendment 1: Bridging of
         802.17", IEEE 802.17a-2004, October 2004.

   [15]  "Resilient Packet Ring Access Method and Physical Layer
         Specifications - Amendment 1: Spatially Aware Sublayer",
         IEEE P802.17b.

Authors' Addresses

   Marc Holness
   3500 Carling Avenue
   Ottawa, ON  K2H 8E9

   Phone: +1 613 765 2840

   Glenn Parsons
   3500 Carling Avenue
   Ottawa, ON  K2H 8E9

   Phone: +1 613 763 7582

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   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject
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