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Re: [802.19] TVWS Coexistence



                If you would like to prepare something on Spectrum Server for the July plenary that would be fine.  I believe this idea is also along the lines of what other groups (1900.4) are thinking.  So it would be good to have a discussion on this topic.




From: Ivan Reede [mailto:i_reede@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 4:50 AM
To: Shellhammer, Steve
Cc: STDS-802-19@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.19] TVWS Coexistence


Incorrect Steve. I think coordination between white space devices is very important... I think it should be paramount to 802.19 as this is a definate macro scale coexistence mechanism.


The Geographic Electromagnetic Radiation Control System "GERDCS" is a database that actually does exactly what Mark points out, a database engine that gives environmental data and a resolver system that computes the optimal usage of the spectrum in the local RF environment to optimise spectrum usage. (Same structure as the well known and proven DNS system). It actually looks at spectrum usage amongst registered users and specifes the maximum power for each channel a transmitter may use in an area before coexistence problems start occuring. It can firther coordinate between dis-similar and potenitally unfriendly systems in a anonymous fashion to enhance coexistence. Anonyminity is required to protect civil rights of subsribers (i.e location of their transimtters) in some countries. That is why GERDCS does not relinquish transmitter locations but rather works with "areas of interest" which blurs the actuial location of a specific transmitter and even allows many tranmsitters in an area to share the area under the control of the resolver. The resolver can get the actual data because it can be operated by the network owner who does have right to the location of his transmitters.


802.18 has acknoledged this need, stating to the FCC (in it's most recent response to the FCC R&O) that 802 beleives that database engines and resolvers are required. This response was then endorsed at the EC level to be forwarded as the "802 position to the FCC.


To the best of my knowledge, 802.22 is working on the premise the "database" system (I consider as a collection of databases and resolvers) will give these power level parameters for each channel.


If you wish, I could prepare a presentation on this topic for the July meeting. I beleive it is very germain to 802.19 to study how a database could be used at a macro-scale level to enhance coexistence.


Just my 2 cents worth....


Ivan Reede



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 11:59 PM

Subject: [802.19] TVWS Coexistence




                I was speaking with Mark Cummings today and he pointed out an issue that got brought up at the Wireless Interim.


                It seems that when we were discussing the coexistence matrix it was mentioned that the TV white space database would somehow coordinate spectrum usage between TV white space devices.  It is my understanding of the FCC R&O that the database will provide a list of channels unused by incumbent systems in that location, but will not act as a spectrum server telling TV white space devices which channels they can use.  It is my understanding that the incumbent database is for the function of protecting incumbent services and not coordinating coexistence between TV white space devices.


                If anyone has any comments or feedback they are welcome.

