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[802.19] Lithuania's consultation on the upper 6 GHz band

Dear 802.18 participants,
cc. 802.11, 802.15, 802.19 participants,

On 28 February 2025, Lithuania's administration, Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT), began a consultation "Public survey on the prospects for the use of the radio frequency band 6425-7125 MHz" the seeks public opinion on the need of the upper 6 GHz band for either mobile radio communications or WAS/RLAN.  For details, please see:

The comment submission deadline is 18 April 2025. If you believe IEEE 802 LMSC should prepare a response to this draft report, please bring a contribution to IEEE 802.18 to review and consider approval no later than Thursday, 27 March 2025.

For your convenience, I (unofficially) translated their 27 questions here for your convenienceL

A. What would be the need to use the 6425-7125 MHz (U6 GHz) radio frequency band for mobile radio communications?
1. What is the current need for new radio frequency resources? Please indicate how busy the available spectrum resources (1800/2100/2300/2600/3600 MHz) are?
2. If you were to use the U6 GHz band, how much radio bandwidth would one operator need?
3. What network infrastructure would you develop in the U6 GHz band (e.g. macro/micro cells, etc.)? If so, how? Would you like to consolidate your existing network infrastructure?
4. What effective isotropic radiated power (eirp) of base stations would you use (e.g. up to 50 dBm/100 MHz, between 50–60dBm/100 MHz, between 60–83 dBm/100 MHz, etc.)? Please justify this need.
5. Where do you plan to ensure radio communication (e.g. outside and indoors, outside only, indoors only)?
6. In which areas would you plan to provide services using the U6 GHz band (e.g. urban, suburban, rural, industrial areas, etc.)?
7. What new services could be offered using the U6 GHz band (or part of it)?
8. When would you start deploying networks in the U6 GHz band?
9. How many and what kind of base stations do you plan to build within the first 5 years of operation?
10. Which of the mechanisms for sharing the U6 GHz band (see draft ECC report) would be most advantageous for the combined use of IMT and WAS/RLAN?

B. What would be the need to use the 6425–7125 MHz (U6 GHz) radio frequency band for wireless access systems in Lithuania, including radio local area networks (WAS/RLAN), and when could such a need arise?
1. What is the current need for new radio frequency resources? Please indicate how crowded the available spectrum resources are (2400–2483.5 MHz, 5150–5350 MHz, 5470–5850 MHz and 5945–6425 MHz)?
2. What is the current distribution of WAS/RLAN device standards used on the market (e.g. WiFi-5, WiFi-6/6E, WiFi-7, etc.)?
3. What new services could be offered using the U6 GHz band (or part of it)?
4. What is the minimum amount of radio frequency spectrum resources required for a WAS/RLAN system to meet the quality and diversity of the intended services? What are the requirements for new services (e.g. virtual/augmented reality devices,
5. What types of locations (e.g. airports, hospitals, universities, residential areas, etc.) currently have the greatest demand for radio frequency resources?
6. What maximum effective isotropic radiated power (eirp) would you use (e.g. 25 mW, 200 mW, 4 W) in the U6 GHz band (or part thereof) and where would you plan to provide radio communication (e.g. outdoors and indoors, outdoors only, indoors only)?
7. Would it be relevant to use the entire U6 GHz band for the WAS/RLAN system for a defined period? (e.g. until 2030, 2032) indoors and/or outdoors on a non-interference basis with the proviso that the equipment may be
required to be switched off in the future?


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