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[802.19] Australia's consultation: Remaking the low interference potential devices class licence

Dear 802.18 participants,
cc. 802.11, 802.15, 802.19 participants,

On 19 March 2025, Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) began a consultation "Remaking the low interference potential devices class licence" that seeks public opinions on updating the c contents of the class licence.  

Of potential interest to us is:
a)  introduce arrangements for low-power narrowband frequency-hopping transmitters in the 5925 MHz to 6425 MHz band
b)  broaden the type of devices allowed to operate in the 5150 MHz to 5250 MHz band to include all digital modulation radiocommunications transmitters
c) increase the upper bound of the class licence from 6425 MHz to 6585 MHz

For details, please visit:

The response deadline is 16 May 2025.  If you would like IEEE 802 LMSC to submit a response, please bring a contribution to IEEE 802.18 to review and consider approval no later than 3pm ET, Thursday, 3 May 2025.


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