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Re: stds-80220-requirements: Comment on Functional requirements document.

At 01:24 PM 7/15/2003 -0500, Mcginniss, Dave S [GMG] wrote:

I have had some comments indicating that section 3.1.1 MBWA-Specific Reference Model is to detailed and make the assumption that the MAC and PHY should be separate allowing different MAC/PHY to be used in combination.  It has been discussed that the layers would be so tightly coupled that this model is not appropriate. I for one agree with this assessment and suggest striking this diagram and reducing


For implementation I believe others can couple MAC and PHY as tightly as desired, however for the purposes of standardizing the functionality a Reference model such as that shown should be used to capture the appropriate functionality and describe it in a non-confusing way.  As we proceed towards a standards development, lets not muddle the layers together - makes the standard that much more difficult to understand and implement.



David S. McGinniss

Sprint Broadband Wireless Group

Principal Engineer II

(630) 926-3184





                James D. Tomcik
                QUALCOMM, Incorporated
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