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Re: [802.21] 802.21 Ballot Process

I will present a more detailed version of this during the Denver Plenary 
as well as more exact instructions would be provided at the time of the 
letter ballot announcement.

Also, see embedded answers.


Gupta, Vivek G wrote:

>A few questions about Letter Ballot and Sponsor ballot in 802.21:
>1] Will the LB in 802.21 be open only to 802.21 WG members? Since the
>802.21 WG members have been commenting on the draft already since last
>May, this may not give that much of wider exposure to the 802.21 draft. 
Letter Ballot by definition is open to WG members only. However, if 
there are other interested observers or non-members that would like to 
comment on the draft, I would encourage them to contact me directly.

>Would it make more sense to send the draft for comments to other 802
>groups such as 802.1, 802.11 and 802.16 and possibly other external SDOs
>such as IETF, 3GPP/3GPP2/FMCA at this stage as well as opposed to
>waiting until later stages?
We could surely circulate a draft version within 802. I would like to 
explore this further and see what are the possibilities. I would also 
like to explore how we could give a preview to other SDOs outside 802 
and be consistent with IEEE policy.

>2] What would be the time period of each of the ballot in 802.21?
The first letter ballot for a draft standard would be for 40 days after 
the process starts. Re-circulations could be for a lesser duration.

>3] What would be the criteria to exit LB process and enter Sponsor
>Ballot process in 802.21?
To forward a draft standard or a revised standard to the Executive 
Committee for approval for Sponsor Ballot Group voting, a letter ballot 
(or confirmation letter ballot) must be done first within the Working 
Group. A 75 percent approval of the Working Group confirmation letter 
ballot is necessary with at least 50 percent of the members voting. The 
75 percent figure is computed only from the "Approve" and "Do Not 
Approve" votes. Subsequent confirmation ballots to the Sponsor Ballot 
Group do not require Executive Committee approval.

However, I would like to achieve a very high approval rate as we have 
successfully done until now.

>4] How would the Sponsor Ballot pool for 802.21 be selected?
Individual IEEE-SA members are permitted to ballot on individual ballots 
that have reached the Sponsor Ballot stage..

>It would help if details regarding the ballot process in 802.21 were
>posted on the reflector or even presented during the next meeting at
>Best Regards