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RE: [802.21] Tomorrow's Telecon material

Hi Ajoy,
I will reduce the text and use it for next version. Please review the
condesed in the next version.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: ext Singh Ajoy-ASINGH1 [mailto:ASINGH1@MOTOROLA.COM] 
>Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 6:05 PM
>Subject: Re: [802.21] Tomorrow's Telecon material
>Hi, Srini, 
>In my view comparing FMIPv6 information service with CARD is 
>not correct. FMIPv6 defines MN-AR protocol, whereas CARD 
>defines MN-AR, AR-AR, and AR-Server protocols. AR-server piece 
>of CARD protocol is defined in appendix of the CARD RFC. So, I 
>guess, it may be more appropriate if could add some text in 
>line of following text somewhere in section 4 of IS requirement draft: 
>"The basic functionality of the CARD protocol is to provide L2 
>or L3 related information on the current and neighboring L2 
>and L3 POAs (point of attachments) to an MN (mobile node). 
>This information in turn is used by the MN for making handover 
>decisions for carrying out a seamless IP-layer handover. The 
>RFC defines only the container protocol for the information 
>elements (or attributes) and not the actual attributes that 
>may be of interest to an MN.  It provides an IANA registry for 
>registering various information elements to be carried out by 
>the protocol. The base spec of the protocol defines messages 
>between MN-AR and AR-AR, but the appendix of the RFC also 
>defines messages between AR and server. " 
>I am fine if you would like to modify proposed text to adapt 
>to IS requirement draft. Also since the deadline for IETF 
>submission has passed, please consider this as my input for 
>next revision of the draft.
>Delete or modify the following text (section 4 of IS 
>requirement draft):
>While information services delivery in this scenario is partly
>   addressed by experimental information services in CARD and FMIPv6,
>   the authors consider a fresh look at these issues are warranted,
>   particularly to establish the applicability of security association
>   establishment mechanisms in these and other environments [21][22].
>                                                  /--------\
>    I                                            /          \
>   -----          --------     --------    /----/            \----\
>   |[ ]|          |      |--+--| ---- |---/                        \
>   |ooo|<----------------------->|IS| |  /                          \
>   |ooo|          |      |  |  | ---- |  \                          /
>   -----          --------  |  --------   \                        /
>   Host            Access   |   Router     \----\            /----/
>                   Point    |                    \          /
>                            |  --------         / \--------/
>                            +--| ---- |        / Distribution
>                               | |IS| |-------/    Network
>                               | ---- |
>                               --------
>                                Router
>   Figure 2: IS-Server on Subnet Router
>   Information service servers deployed outside the mobile 
>node's subnet
>   present both advantages and challenges.  As illustrated in Figure 3,
>   an IS-Server outside a subnet doesn't require explicit support from
>   devices the mobile's link.  Therefore the server is able to be
>   deployed in networks which are not able to be modified easily.
>   Additionally, the server is in a position to serve many access
>   subnets simultaneously, which reduces administrative overheads.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Stefano M. Faccin [mailto:stefano.faccin@NOKIA.COM]
>Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 6:53 PM
>Subject: Re: [802.21] Tomorrow's Telecon material
>Just to make sure everybody is in line, the IETF submission 
>deadline was according to "March 6, Monday - Internet Draft 
>final submission cut-off by 09:00 ET (14:00 GMT)".
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: ext Singh Ajoy-ASINGH1 [mailto:ASINGH1@MOTOROLA.COM]
>>Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 6:22 PM
>>Subject: Re: [802.21] Tomorrow's Telecon material
>>Ok, I will send the text tomorrow. I think deadline is Monday. 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Subir Das [mailto:subir@RESEARCH.TELCORDIA.COM]
>>Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 6:18 PM
>>Subject: Re: [802.21] Tomorrow's Telecon material
>>I cann't  agree anymore with Srini. Pl. go ahead and send  the text.
>>Srinivas Sreemanthula wrote:
>>>Hi Ajoy,
>>>There is no better CARD expert than you so it is only fair that you
>>>the opportunity. Please keep the text along introductory
>>lines but not
>>>along the solution lines and also limit the text as people
>>are already
>>>angry with me for having so much text. :-)
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: ext Singh Ajoy-ASINGH1 []
>>>>Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 5:56 PM
>>>>To: Sreemanthula Srinivas (Nokia-NRC/Dallas); 
>>>>Subject: RE: [802.21] Tomorrow's Telecon material
>>>>Hi Srini,
>>>>Ok, great! I will send proposed text to you. 
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 5:51 PM
>>>>To: Singh Ajoy-ASINGH1; STDS-802-21@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG
>>>>Subject: RE: [802.21] Tomorrow's Telecon material
>>>>Hi Ajoy,
>>>>I would need your help to provide a two line summary for background.
>>>>Also please indicate what text you want to replace.
>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>From: ext Singh Ajoy-ASINGH1 [mailto:ASINGH1@MOTOROLA.COM]
>>>>>Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 5:32 PM
>>>>>Subject: Re: [802.21] Tomorrow's Telecon material
>>>>>Hi Srini,
>>>>>I think the section 4 of IS service draft does not
>>correctly portray
>>>>>the capability of card IS service. I would suggest please
>>go through
>>>>>the contribution that we submitted during Jan meeting and 
>then make 
>>>>>necessary update to the draft.
>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>From: Srinivas Sreemanthula 
>>>>>Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 3:31 PM
>>>>>Subject: Re: [802.21] Tomorrow's Telecon material
>>>>>Hi Soohong,
>>>>>This message has slipped out of my inbox somehow for which I
>>>>>Your comments are addressed below. Most comments were already 
>>>>>incorporated into the draft.
>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>From: ext Soohong Daniel Park [mailto:soohong.park@SAMSUNG.COM]
>>>>>>Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:12 PM
>>>>>>Subject: Re: [802.21] Tomorrow's Telecon material
>>>>>>Ok, let me give some of comments on that first, then we will
>>>>>talk about
>>>>>>further details during teleconf.
>>>>>>Comments are inline with [daniel]
>>>>>>Daniel (Soohong Daniel Park)
>>>>>>Mobile Convergence Laboratory, SAMSUNG Electronics.
>>>>>>[daniel] "if available, pls use an xml2rfc format to compile a 
>>>>>>document, it would be very readable for folks."
>>>>>>   Media independent Information Service (MIIS) and Its Higher
>>>>>>   Layer Transport Requirements   
>>>>>> Media Independent Information Service (MIS) Information Services 
>>>>>>provides a framework by which a MIH (Media Independent Handover) 
>>>>>>function both in the mobile node and in the network can
>>discover and
>>>>>>obtain network information (both homogeneous and
>>>>>heterogeneous) within
>>>>>>a geographical region to facilitate handovers.
>>>>>>MIS includes support for various Information Elements (IEs). 
>>>>>>These IEs provide information that is essential for a
>>>>>handover function
>>>>>>to make intelligent handover decision.
>>>>>>The MIH function in a mobile node or network can obtain
>>such network
>>>>>>information (e.g., IEs)  via  both lower as well as higher layers.
>>>>>>[daniel] "s/MIS/MIIS"
>>>>>Srini> For the benefit of others, this is a vi editor command
>>>>>for search
>>>>>and replace. MIS term is used consistently in the
>>>>internet-draft. But I
>>>>>don't have problems to change to MIIS.
>>>>>> This document is an effort to describe use cases and
>>>>>requirements for
>>>>>>higher layers Information Service while the information is
>>>>>>over IP and above layers.
>>>>>>[daniel] "as you wrote above, we can use both signal as lower
>>>>>layer and
>>>>>>higher layer, and obviously this document is just focusing
>>on higher
>>>>>>layer. However, I encourage you to explain why lower layer
>>>>>signal (MIH
>>>>>>format) is not suitable for legacy internet architecture. 
>>I think it
>>>>>>can be described in Introduction section in brief. Without this 
>>>>>>concern, it can cause some of misunderstanding for IETF folks why 
>>>>>>existing lower layer signal is not useful, and why a new
>>>>higher layer
>>>>>>signal should be designed in IETF..."
>>>>>Srini> okay, I see your point. But do you really think 
>IETF would be
>>>>>interested to know why a MAC protocol would not be sufficient for 
>>>>>transport? It is simply because the MIH capable nodes could
>>>>be beyond a
>>>>>subnet. I could check in the problem-statement draft to make this 
>>>>>statement explicit in the introductory sections, since it is
>>>>>to all MIH services.
>>>>>>1.  Introduction
>>>>>>[daniel] " Bofore jumping to illustrating MIHS stuff, I
>>>>encourage you
>>>>>>to add some of general text, why 802.21 is needed in terms of
>>>>>>/ what's trend of mobility / and related something for easy 
>>>>>>understanding of non-802.21 guys."
>>>>>Srini> Okay, we can add more information on IP mobility aspects.
>>>>>> Media Independent Handover Services are a class of network
>>>>>> which    aim to improve the quality of handovers available 
>>>>>to mobile
>>>>>> devices.   In order to support more intelligent handover 
>>>>>services it
>>>>>> is often necessary to be able to exchange information
>>>>>between mobile
>>>>>>and fixed nodes within the network.
>>>>>> IEEE 802.21 working group is currently defining three
>>>>broad classes
>>>>>> such services to facilitate the handover.  They require
>>passing of
>>>>>>information within hosts, as well as between them:
>>>>>>1.1 Media Independent Event Services (MIES) provide
>>indications from
>>>>>>lower layers about changes in the connectivity state
>>[802.21 draft].
>>>>>>Events are of two kinds: local and remote. In case of
>>local events,
>>>>>>information typically propagate upwards from L2 to MIH
>>>>>function and MIH
>>>>>>function to upper layers within a local stack. In case of remote 
>>>>>>events, however, information may propagate from MIH or upper
>>>>>layers in
>>>>>>one stack to MIH or upper layers in another stack.
>>>>>>1.2  Media Independent Command Services (MICS) provide
>>>>mechanisms for
>>>>>>Controlling handovers [802.21 draft]. It includes the
>>commands from
>>>>>>upper layer to MIH and from MIH to lower layer. These
>>>>commands mainly
>>>>>>carry the upper layer decisions to the lower layers.
>>>>>>1.3 Media Independent Information Service (MIIS) Information
>>>>>>provides a framework by which a MIHF (Media Independent Handover
>>>>>>Function) both in the mobile node and in the network can
>>>>discover and
>>>>>>obtain homogeneous and heterogeneous network information within a 
>>>>>>geographical region to facilitate handovers [802.21 draft]. MIIS 
>>>>>>includes support for various Information Elements (IEs). 
>These IEs 
>>>>>>provide information that is essential for a handover
>>>>function to make
>>>>>>intelligent handover decision. The information can be made
>>>>>>via both lower as well as higher layers.
>>>>>>                                                /--------\
>>>>>>                                               /          \
>>>>>> ------         --------     --------    /----/  --------  \----\
>>>>>> | IS   |       |      |-----|      |---/        |      |        \
>>>>>> |Client|<-------------------------------------->|  IS  | 
>        \
>>>>>> |      |       |      |     |      |  \         |Server| 
>        /
>>>>>> -------\       --------     --------   \        --------        /
>>>>>> Host    \        Access       Router     \----\            /----/
>>>>>>          \       Point                       / \          /
>>>>>>           \   --------     --------         /   \--------/
>>>>>>            \  |      |-----|      |        /      Core 
>>>>>>             \ |      |     |      |-------/      Network
>>>>>>              \|      |     |      |
>>>>>>               --------     --------
>>>>>>                 Access       Router
>>>>>>                 Point
>>>>>>                          Visited Network
>>>>>>                    Figure 3: IS-Server In the Network
>>>>>>[daniel] "s/Figure 3/Figure 4"
>>>>>Srini> corrected.
>>>>>>                                                /--------\
>>>>>>                                               /          \
>>>>>> -----          --------     --------    /----/            \----\
>>>>>> | IS   |       |      |-----|      |---/        | ---- |        \
>>>>>> |Client|<---------------------------------------> IS   | 
>        \
>>>>>> |      |       |      |     |      |  \         |Server| 
>        /
>>>>>> -----          --------     --------   \        --------        /
>>>>>> Host \           Access       Router    \----\            /----/
>>>>>>       \          Point                        \          /
>>>>>>        \                                       \--------/
>>>>>>         \                                          |  Core 
>>>>>>          \                                         |  Network
>>>>>>           \                                        |
>>>>>>            \                                       |
>>>>>>             \                                 /--------\
>>>>>>              \                               /          \
>>>>>>               \--------     --------    /---/            \----\
>>>>>>                |      |-----|      |---/       |-------|       \ 
>>>>>>                |      |     |      |           |  IS   |        \
>>>>>>                |      |     |      |---\       | Server|        /
>>>>>>                --------     --------    \      | Server|       /
>>>>>>                 Access       Router      \---\           /----/
>>>>>>                 Point                         \         / 
>>>>>>                                                \-------/
>>>>>>                           Visited Network         Core  
>>>>>>                                                  Network    
>>>>>>                    Figure 4: IS-Server In the Network
>>>>>>[daniel] "s/Figure 4/Figure 5"
>>>>>Srini> corrected
>>>>>>3.4 Congestion Control Issues
>>>>>>Transport protocol like TCP has congestion control mechanism and 
>>>>>>therefore in such cases this is a non issue. Where existing
>>>>>>protocols do not incorporate their own congestion control 
>and rate 
>>>>>>limitation, basic mechanisms for network protection and 
>>>>>>recovery may need to be added to the IS application protocols.
>>>>>>[daniel] "Unclear, is there any congestion issue in terms of
>>>>>of MIIS ? 
>>>>>>It is entirely up to transport protocol such as
>>>>TCP/DCCP/etc...not to
>>>>>>be resolved by higher IS protoco.
>>>>>>Are you supposed to replace existing congestion control
>>>>>mechanisms with
>>>>>>IS protocol ?
>>>>>>It seems too much complex and not reasonable apporoach to me. "
>>>>>Srini> no, that is not the intention. The discussion to
>>indicate that
>>>>>the congestion control aspects have to considered for any protocol 
>>>>>development in Internet.
>>>>>>The choice of transport mechanism should work with both IPv4
>>>>and IPv6
>>>>>>[daniel] "Note: this document does not consider IPv4/IPv6 
>>>>>>networks. In order words, There is no guarantee IPv4 (or
>>>>IPv6) mobile
>>>>>>node to communicate with IS server located in
>>>>>>IPv6 (or IPv4) networks."
>>>>>Srini> We have not asked for this requirement. I think at
>>>>some point we
>>>>>discussed that there may be no compatibility in the IP mobility 
>>>>>mechanisms between IPv6 and IPv4 so the info services
>>across IP types
>>>>>may not be useful.
>>>>>>MIIS defines the IE and MIH protocol formats that are
>>>>>processed by only
>>>>>>MIHF peer entities.
>>>>>>Any changes to these formats and fields MUST not require
>>>>>modifying the
>>>>>>underlying security
>>>>>>mechanisms in future.   
>>>>>>[daniel] "some requirements seem reasonable at least to me.
>>>>>Srini> ok
>>>>>> 5. Security Considerations
>>>>>>[daniel] " this section can refer to the 3.5 Security Issues "
>>>>>Srini> The issues section were a repetition and hence removed.
>>>>>>6. Acknowledgement