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[802.3_100GEL] Most November meeting materials posted to website

Dear Colleagues,
Most of the November meeting materials are posted to the website at   We have a _very_ full agenda with ~22 presentations to cover in ~15 hours of meeting time!    As I have previously noted in the ad hoc calls and call for presentation  emails, the focus topics right now are 100G FEC, C2M and Copper cables with the intent to generate Draft 1.0 out of this meeting.  There will be a series of discussions, straw polls, and potential motions to help us move forward next week. 
Please note that a few contributions are late or still held by me and that some presentations have channel contributions (not posted yet).  The zip file with all of the content is not ready either.  Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.  I will continue to update the website in the coming hours and days. 
Safe travels to Waikoloa Village, HI, USA.  See you by Monday 1pm for the start of our meeting! 
With regards,
IEEE 802.3ck Task Force Vice Chair

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