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[802.3_100GEL] TF website update, agenda, liaisons and start time

Dear Colleagues,
The 3ck Task Force has ~20 presentations to cover in 2 days during our plenary meeting; nearly 11 hours of material not including breaks, discussions, or straw polls.  As I have previously noted in the ad hoc calls and call for presentation emails, the focus topics right now are 100G FEC, C2M and Copper cables with the intent to generate Draft 1.0 out of this meeting.  It will be a very busy meeting for us! 
I finally have the website updated with all of the presentations, channel contributions, and the zip file.  Please excuse the delay, many presentations required changes before I could post them.  See:  There are a number of late or updated presentations that I will be asking the participants to consider at the meeting and are currently posted to the website (and noted as such). 
We start promptly at 1pm Monday, 11-November-2019 in the Kona 4/5 room (same as the opening 802.3 WG Plenary).  After opening business, the first topic will be 100G FEC.  The rest of the TF agenda is still being determined at this time as I sort thru the contributions.  I am currently thinking 100G FEC -> C2M -> Copper cable -> Backplane.  I will post the TF agenda as soon as I can… 
IEEE 802.3 received a liaison letter from the OIF regarding the progress on 112G-VSR and 112G-LR.  David Law asked that we review this letter and based on this review make a recommendation at the IEEE 802.3 closing plenary if there should be a reply, and if so, propose a draft reply. The letter and attached draft can be accessed at , attachment C5. 
Remember to check the plenary schedule at for the latest.
See you next week at the Plenary.  Safe travels!
With regards,

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